I'm really working on your session Chelsea. I really am, but I had to get this off my mind so I could concentrate.
As I had suspected, some individuals I am acquainted with don't read my blog. That's perfectly fine. However, it made me think about why I blog. Why I like it so much.
I know that only approximately 15 people look at it and only 3 of those 15 actually READ it. So I obviously don't blog for acknowledgement or attention.
I like to write. I like to talk. I like using words to express a thought...different words. Words that make you think...that you may have to look up in the dictionary. I like thinking....out of the box. I like to test my memory. I like to share things. I like to teach what I've been taught. So...I like to blog. It allows me to do all of those things...every day. In a short amount of time. It's like a way to dump out all of my "crazy", all of my "creative", all of my "stress" all into one nice, neat, little contained area.
I always have liked organization.
So after I came up with all of the above reasons I thought, "I wonder what the www has to say about why we blog". So I checked.
I found this...
"Why I Blog"
The whole article is here.
The heading caught my attention...
"For centuries, writers have experimented with forms that evoke the imperfection of thought, the inconstancy of human affairs, and the chastening passage of time. But as blogging evolves as a literary form, it is generating a new and quintessentially postmodern idiom that’s enabling writers to express themselves in ways that have never been seen or understood before. Its truths are provisional, and its ethos collective and messy. Yet the interaction it enables between writer and reader is unprecedented, visceral, and sometimes brutal. And make no mistake: it heralds a golden era for journalism."
I love those words..."blogging evolves as a literary form", "its truths are provisional", "interaction..between writer and reader..unprecedented, visceral...brutal". I've got chills!
And here's the best part...
It "heralds a golden era for journalism"!! I never thought of it as journalism! And get this...my dream job was ALWAYS to be a photo journalist! So now, I'm blogging (or journal-ing) about photos! I have my dream job and didn't even realize it!
I'm not getting paid to do this.
Those are some great words. I have really enjoyed my experaments with blogging, I have kept a journal since I was a kid and have always played with the notion of writing as an artform. I have writen short stories and some longer stories. But I love the idea of the connection between someone reading what I write and then saying something back to me about it. Which does amazingly happen people send me an email and comment on something on my blog, I love that. I think it is cool that others feel the same way. thanks for sharing. See your blog changes my life, I have not opened a banana for the kids since I showed my kids your video by the way.
*sniff, sniff* I'm so glad I could bring some happiness into someone's life. *sniff* It's such an honor.
Heather you just tickle me so much! I sometimes think I come looking for your take as much as B, sorry B. But the words are good and I'm glad you now have it all family, home and dream job:) But I would like to take this time out to say while blogging may be a good thing TWITTER is ruining our minds. (or what was left of our minds) You try for new and interesting words and phrases they try for less. How can you sum up an experience in a word or two or three. I can't even comment on your blog in so few words (but then again remember my parentage). So blog for the mind and the visceral connection! I don't have a blog so you get my rants (harangue, tirade and or diatribe whatever you want to call it) here.
I will say that while I would not only blame TWITTER that beutifull words are more and more difficult to find in the world we live in today. I wonder if the great masters of the written language of generations past could have written their masterpieces in a place where "sup?" and "lol" are acceptable english.
Do NOT get me started.
You already started! Thus the blog!
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