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A Different Kind of Tutorial...

This isn't a photography tutorial or even a tutorial on how to look good in a picture, but it's very educational and beneficial for every one who sees it. And isn't that what this blog is all about? Education?

Oh. It's not? Hmmm. Must work on that.

Even though I hate creating entries with no picture, I just don't have the time to find one this morning. So you'll have to be happy with this pretty little link...

Click it. Watch it. Learn. It will change your life.

And it's so easy even a monkey could do it.


WSMIL said...

This obviously was done by a man! How hard is it to open a banana with the stem? Never had a problem with it myself, Gary doesn't seem to have any trouble at all. This guy must be seriously wimpy. Or dumber than a monkey! On the other hand, I've never seen that done before and it was kind of cool.

Lunsford said...

I on the other hand will have to give B the "usefull tip of the day" award. I can generally get them open, but the kids fight it every day. So my plan is to show them how to do it and then I can at least take "open bannana for kids" off the list of things to do every day! Thank you.

GWLS said...

That is hillarious! Don't take this the wrong way but only you would find that video(unless somebody sent it to you).

Rob James said...

my name is rob not monkey

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