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Lift Off!

Last week, in 100 degree weather, the in-laws took the kids over to the school parking lot to set off a rocket.

Despite the heat, Matt and I tagged along and I got these shots.

Prepping the rocket...

The rocket in all it's pre-flight glory...

(in the words of the infamous Willy Wonka..."Strike that. Reverse it." The next two pictures are out of order and I can't, in all my technological intelligence, figure out how to flip flop them)
The ignition... (see above explanation) Going...

See that little dot in the sky? That's the rocket on it's way back down in the parachute.
And of course, the kids running to catch it in the 100% humidity so that we can do it again.


Anonymous said...

I personally had never known about rockets. Shooting it off was a BLAST. Great pictures. I need to send you ones of the kids blasting into the lake.

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