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Our District Convention last weekend...

Here's a view of the audience from our seats. It looks sparse but this was early in the morning as people were still arriving. The attendance on Sunday was over 6,000 so it was definitely more full than in this picture.
Mercede (so prim and proper)...

Summer (she's leaning over because Aunt Megan was tickling her)...
And last but not least, London (he is such a nerd, but he just can't help it)...
It was a great weekend, though I feel like my brain is going to explode from all the interesting points/scriptures/thoughts that I'm trying to remember.
Up next...sneak peaks from the e-session that I'll be shooting in about an hour.


WSMIL said...

prim n proper, giggly or nerdy doesn't matter they are still the cutest kids around! No I'm not biased at all!!!

GWLS said...

B, you know how I feel about your kids(only B knows, sry not going to say it on here)LOVE those pics. I love the one of Summer, because we hardly ever get to see that genuine smile on camera.

Rob James said...

Can you count this as F.S. time our not?

B said...

Not. But I wish.

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