link rel="apple-touch-icon" href=""/> July 2009 | Priester Photography

Sorry for words with no pictures. It had to be done.

I'm really working on your session Chelsea. I really am, but I had to get this off my mind so I could concentrate.

As I had suspected, some individuals I am acquainted with don't read my blog. That's perfectly fine. However, it made me think about why I blog. Why I like it so much.

I know that only approximately 15 people look at it and only 3 of those 15 actually READ it. So I obviously don't blog for acknowledgement or attention.

I like to write. I like to talk. I like using words to express a thought...different words. Words that make you think...that you may have to look up in the dictionary. I like thinking....out of the box. I like to test my memory. I like to share things. I like to teach what I've been taught. So...I like to blog. It allows me to do all of those things...every day. In a short amount of time. It's like a way to dump out all of my "crazy", all of my "creative", all of my "stress" all into one nice, neat, little contained area.

I always have liked organization.

So after I came up with all of the above reasons I thought, "I wonder what the www has to say about why we blog". So I checked.

I found this...

"Why I Blog"
The whole article is here.

The heading caught my attention...

"For centuries, writers have experimented with forms that evoke the imperfection of thought, the inconstancy of human affairs, and the chastening passage of time. But as blogging evolves as a literary form, it is generating a new and quintessentially postmodern idiom that’s enabling writers to express themselves in ways that have never been seen or understood before. Its truths are provisional, and its ethos collective and messy. Yet the interaction it enables between writer and reader is unprecedented, visceral, and sometimes brutal. And make no mistake: it heralds a golden era for journalism."

I love those words..."blogging evolves as a literary form", "its truths are provisional", "interaction..between writer and reader..unprecedented, visceral...brutal". I've got chills!

And here's the best part...

It "heralds a golden era for journalism"!! I never thought of it as journalism! And get dream job was ALWAYS to be a photo journalist! So now, I'm blogging (or journal-ing) about photos! I have my dream job and didn't even realize it!


I'm not getting paid to do this.


Bump, Bump, Bump...(drums)

(music notes) Another one bites the dust. Bump, bump, bump. Another one bites the dust. And another one gone, and another one gone. Another one bites the dust! (music notes)

How about some Queen to start off tonight's post? I thought you'd like that.

One more session down...another one gone...another one gone. Sorry. I can't help myself. Another one bites the dust! (more music notes).

Okay. I'm done. But if you'd like to see a great commercial click here. It must have made an impression on me because I remember seeing it on t.v. YEARS ago. Everytime I hear the song I think of this commercial. Good marketing. Or easy target.

Here's the wrap up of J's session. We scouted out a couple new locations that I will be using again. Provided I don't get arrested for trespassing in the process. wink, wink.

Or hit by a moving vehicle.

Have I mentioned how much I love this seventies look?

I dig it, dudes.
To see all of J's proofs click here and go to "Jen". To see the video slideshow click the bottom picture.

It's been a long day as I also had another senior session this evening. I'm starting on her session tonight as I know she's anxious to see something, so I hope to have a sneak peak by morning.

Bump, bump, bump...

More Miss J...

I should be in bed but I wanted to post these for Miss J's viewing pleasure. So only quick thoughts on them...

Love the sweetness of this one but with the bold, bright colors.
Wowza! Remember I mentioned in a previous post that you should never let your daughters get their senior pictures taken?

This is why...
ooooo. The red, the splash of orange, the wind in her hair, the blank space above her...what's not to like about this? You tell me.
Black and white makes me smile. Even if it means I have to give up the glorious colors like in the picture above.
It speaks to me.


The kids have Hand, Foot, and Mouth causes blister-like sores on the bottoms of your feet, the palms of your hands and the inside of your mouth. Icka. London is suffering the worst from it.

I just now laid him down after rocking him to sleep for an hour. Yes, he's seven. I told you, he's not dealing with this sickness well. It's apparently very painful and he can barely open his mouth. He's hungry and can't eat. So like any good mother, I drugged him up, gave him lots of water, and rocked his crying self to sleep while singing John Denver's "Country Roads". Yes, I sing to my kids. And apparently I've used my limit of 40 hours of listen time on Pandora radio so I had no choice but to sing. Too bad for London.

The above process reminded me of how I used to rock him and hold him when he was a baby...soooo long ago. I wanted to grab a picture of me and him as a baby to post with this "motherhood" post.

There are none. Why? Because I'm the photographer. There are never pictures of the photographer/mother with her children when they are little because she's always the one taking the pictures. There should be a law against it.

Someone draft a letter to Congress.

I did find this in my search...
Me and my sister sharing a sucker while I was in labor with London. Yes, I'm in labor here. I won't bore you with the details, but I played cards and snuck pizza right up until delivery with all three of my children. I was born to birth. I just wasn't born to cope with children. The irony.

And this is what Matt does while I'm in labor...
Since we're on child number three he's thinking, "Oh, she's got this. Three pushes and this baby's in the bag." He was right. Though I think it was only two pushes.
This is right after he was born. Although I have no pictures of ME holding MY child, I do have pictures of ME holding my CAMERA. Close enough.
Oh. Here we go. Later in the day. I finally get a shot of me with my munchkin...
I must be checking the durability of his facial structure realizing that he's going home with two girls aged 2, and 4...and one of them is already armed with objects to hurtle at him.
He's fared well so far. Now if we can just get through the present disease crisis.

Brick Wall

I had a senior session with Mrs. J last night. I got to play with my new brick background....and I like it. I want to distress it with some drywall mud or plaster but for now it works well as just plain old brick.
Look at that cute little dimple!
This is my first attempt at creating grafitti on brick. I think it looks a little fake but it's a work in progress.
I'll have more sneak peaks coming later today as I'm home with infested, contagious children.

Come on a journey with me...

as we discuss this series of school photos of "yours truly".


Because I found them in an album arranged in chronological order (I apparently used to have a lot of time on my hands). Because I have no new client photos to post until tomorrow evening. Because we can learn several, life-altering things from them. And because, well, because they're hilarious! I have no shame.

Before we get started I would like you to take note that in every single shot to follow I am looking to the left. Not AT the camera, but to the LEFT of the camera. Obviously this is because I was told to. Why? Am I missing something as a photographer? Should I be having my clients look off to the left? I'm confused.

Lesson #1 If your photographer tells you to look to the left in every single shot, get a new photographer. Immediately.

Let us begin...


I love this little outfit and I'm cute...even with the scratches on my face.

First Grade...How cute!

What a sweet little lopsided smile and I'm totally diggin' the belt with this shirt!

Second Grade...Well....

My hair is very...white? This was my absolute favorite dress. It twirled really wide when I spun around in it. I think I still have it.

I'm serious.

Third Grade...I have the picture in the class photo but can't find the wallet. You aren't missing anything. Actually, you wouldn't be missing anything if you stopped reading right now.

Fourth Grade...Okay...

All I have to say about this is...gawky stage, we all have them. Don't we? Please say we all have them!

Fifth Grade...Hmmmm....
I have a rather large forehead it seems. And about the sweater...why? Just, why?

Sixth Grade...Oh. My....
Teeth AND a turtleneck!? AND bad hair? Oh.

Seventh Grade...There is no record of a seventh grade picture. It must have been "that bad".

Eighth Grade...Ack!...
Where do I start? On the back of this picture it actually says, "Brandi Long 6th Grade New Perm". Is that not OBVIOUS? And this looks like my mothers gold shirt. At least the teeth are under control now.

Lesson #2 Never. Under any circumstances wear your mother's clothing. Even if you think she's a very stylish mom. Even if you have "nothing to wear". Just don't. Especially if it's picture day.

Ninth Grade...For the love of humanity! HELP!...
The hair! Oh me. The black eyes. I can't take it! At least the sweater isn't horrible. Right?

Tenth Grade...Groan...sigh...
Purple ruffles? Really? Purple? The hair seems to be toning down though and LOOK! straight teeth!

Thank you mom and dad.

Eleventh Grade...As much as I hate to say it, this is looking a little more like me.
Well...a younger, skinnier, frizzy-headed, hippy me. But more me than the previous attempts.

Twelfth Grade...Wait...WHAT!!!
Go back! Go back!

Kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh...

Yes, this is twelfth grade.
Um. Can we go back to the Kindergarten shot?
What happened? I feel dizzy.

Lesson #3 Don't let your daughters have their senior pictures taken. Ever. I know what I'm talking about.

I was actually already engaged in these senior pictures. We celebrate our 14th anniversary in March and no one thought we would last past the first year.

Lesson #4 Don't let the odds fool you.


Lesson #5 If you have children, don't look at your high school memorabilia. It will just make you paranoid and suspicious.

I'm sorry if I've scarred you for life with these images but it had to be done.

And don't you feel as if you can walk away from this post a more educated person? More educated about what, I'm not sure, but just more educated?

I thought so.


I've been looking through some old school pictures and came across this.

That's me in the circle. I'm sure you wouldn't have figured that out on your own.

I was pretty stinkin' cute if I may say so myself. Though I'm pretty sure my zipper is down in this picture which would pretty much sum up my life. These things only happen to me. And a few close friends who shall remain nameless.

I don't know anyone else in the picture except my teacher, Mrs. Cowgur (what an unfortunate least she wasn't teaching high school). If you recognize anyone on here feel free to comment about it. I'm wondering if I know any of these children as adults. shrug.

Here's what I do know...from my distinct memories as a five year old...
The three girls in the top left corner were snobs/popular/pretty/rich, whatever you call them, they didn't like me. Maybe not the girl in the pink so much...I think she was just shy, but look at the way they're dressed...look at the way I'm dressed. (wrinkling forehead) Any questions?

The little boy in the blue sweater on the left in the top row reminds me of the little boy off the Welch's Grape Juice commercial. You know the one? "Blueberries are our friends" He's also the boy in the newer "Little Rascals". The Welch's Grape Juice commercial kid, not the boy in the blue sweater. I coincidentally remember nothing about the boy in the blue sweater.

In case you're interested, here's a link to the Welch's commercial [click]. Though he doesn't say the blueberry part on this particular commercial...I'll have to hunt that one down. Unless I'm making it up which is entirely possible. I'll confer with some reliable sources.

The boy on the top row directly behind me (with his arm twisted in a devilish manner) was evil. A troublemaker. Who would guess from the look on his face in this picture? (rolling eyes)

The girl on the end of the top row by the red headed boy was my friend. Well. I wanted her to be friend. I thought she was beautiful and sweet and I wanted to be beautiful and sweet but couldn't muster it, so I at least wanted to be friends with someone who was. I seriously remember thinking that. See? I was demented from birth.

I think the little girl sitting behind me was an annoyance. Loud and overbearing. I think she was my friend. sigh.

The little girl to my left I don't remember but she reminds me of the little girl from the movie "Beethoven". Here is a picture of her from the movie [click]. Why do you need to know this?

That's all I can remember from this picture. Oh! Except that I think I wanted the boots the girl on my right is wearing. Dirt and all.

I hope this has given you some insight into my insecurities and over all inner workings. Though I'm not sure why you would need that information.

Isn't the internet great!? It's so educational!

Just wrapped up Wednesday night's session...

and it's only Thursday night. I know. I'm good.

You'll notice that I've posted a lot more "sneak peak" shots than normal. It's because I couldn't narrow it down any more. These are my favorites, though I had to eliminate several that were also in the running. It was a very close competition.

I have a lot to say about this post. Starting with...

"Be still, my heart!"
Oh. I love this. Just love it. sigh. No words. That should tell you something...when I have no words.
Look at that look! It's intoxicating! I can't take it!

I will have you know that this session did NOT start out with all this so-cute-it makes-my-insides-crumble posing. No. It did not. Little Mrs. Thang decided, upon her arrival that she did NOT like flashing lights. Or cameras. At all.

But we coaxed, consoled, and distracted and were able to come away with 51 keepers. My girls showed up in the studio at just the right time which went a long way in distracting and entertaining her. Thank you girls!
Have I ever mentioned that I love the pensive look? I'm sure I have. And this definitely qualifies as least according to my dictionary.
Just look at those eyelashes! I'm usually all about the eyes but this shot just captivated me.

Chubby baby legs and ducks. How can you go wrong? Not to mention that huge grin.

Plus one. Minus the grin, but I love the blank expression on her face in this one.
Baby in a pink tutu. Sweetness! Though now that I have this loaded to the blog I'm realizing that I need to go back and edit the hump out of the left side of the tutu. How'd I miss that? Well, duh, because I was staring at all that cuteness.
I just...I mean...I can't...cheerios...eyes...chubby baby words.
Now these last two I can't really explain. They just beg for me to look at them. I don't know why. There is no cute baby face showing and they're very simple and slightly odd, but I just wholeheartedly adore them.
This one speaks to me.

What's it saying? Let me get back to you on that.

Click here and go to "Breea" to see the rest from the session and click the last picture to see the slideshow.

It's all about stopping to enjoy the sunsets...

So this is what? My third, fourth, fifth post about sunsets?

What's your point?

I like them.

They're elusive. You may not think so, but try getting exposure right, the horizon level, and focused all while your hanging precariously out of your second story window (which doesn't have a screen because nothing ever gets done at your house despite the fact that you married an experienced carpenter).

If the above is how you've taken a sunset picture, you too realize how elusive they are. Time is not on your side at this junction. As I snap maniacally away the sun just keeps slipping further behind the hill. Taunting me. Daring me to lean a little further out the window to get the shot I want before it disappears.

Sounds a lot like time. Constantly slipping away. Elusive. Making me maniacal.

These shots were all taken on the same night within five minutes of each other yet they're so different. It looks as if they were shot on different nights. It's so intriguing!

If you hear that I've died from blunt force trauma to the head due to a fall from a window... you'll know what happened.

Completed the Wood Family's Session...

Here are a few of my favorites from the last of the session...

Strong forearms holding a delicate baby, visible wedding ring, little baby ribs, a little pink bow w/manly jeans, and a dad loving on his little girl. What's NOT to like about this picture?
Awwwww. Just awwww. There are no words.
This one is a little different. The effect I was going for is called "tilt-shift". It can make things look like miniatures or toys. It's subtle but I think it's working for me. She has a fake doll-like appearance. You think?
This was the first time I've been able to get some outside shots with a always seems to be too cold, but the weather was perfect for us on this day.
I know, I know...I've done this shot before. In fact, this was the shot I created for my very first paying client of her little boy. Only I was shooting in my living room without the help of strobe lights. I'm working on perfecting it in the studio. That's my excuse for trying it with most every newborn.

You know the drill...

Click the bottom picture to see the slideshow and click here to see the proofs. They'll be under "Wood Family" and it may take me a bit to get them loaded. So, patience, please.


This may sound like bragging...

but I don't mean it to. Just bear with me...

Something happens to me when I start shooting a session. My brain goes into overdrive and I feel like I'm trying to think of 10,000 things at once. Yes, 10,000, and I usually get this little panic that starts to rise in my chest (just briefly) at some point during the session.

It's not a big panic. It's barely noticeable, but it's definitely there...just a little nagging sensation that tells me I'm not getting the shots I want. That something dreadful is going to happen when I load the images to my computer...they'll be AWFUL. Sometimes I ignore the panic and sometimes I stop, take a deep breath, re-evaluate the situation, and focus on the subject instead of the lights/camera/pose.

Why am I telling you this? Because I felt this panic several times during this weeks family session. I pushed it out of my mind and tried to focus.

It must have worked (here comes the possible bragging).

Because I came away with this...
And this...
And OH MY, this...
Three things about the above shots...

1. Is that not one beautiful momma? Not to mention a gawgeous baby. I really hope I can make my clients see how beautiful they really are to everyone else.

2. I had mentioned in an earlier post that I was going to try harder to get some good shots with mom and baby instead of always dad with baby. This is proof that I'm working on that plan.

3. These shots make me feel all jell0-y inside. Maybe because I have children and these represent that motherly love. Maybe because I'm proud of being able to capture what I did and feel confident that they're good, solid images. Maybe because black and white images move me. Maybe because I have PMS.

For whatever reason, it makes me happy.
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