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Last sneak peek of the twins...

before I finish up their session.

No time to comment on their beautifulness...

their loveliness,

their innocent looks,

because I have to finish editing.

Is beautifulness a word?

I'll have to get out the dictionary.

I'll get back with you on that.

I'm sure you'll be on the edge of your seat until then.

Just don't fall off.


WSMIL said...

Loving the field shots! Liked the ones with the yellow leaves before just didn't get around to telling you. My laziness gene is coming out:)

M-a-licious said...

I like the last one best. It gives off that warm fuzzy feeling.

One other thing I would like to say. Ughhhhh! Tall people. Yes. I'm envious. But I wouldn't have to be if I'd only grow a couple inches. Stupid genetics.

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