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I'm mixing it up.

Not that you need to know.  Or care for that matter.  But I'm trying to learn/re-learn html and basic web design so I thought that I'd start playing around on my blog instead of messing up my professional website.

You may start to see some changes, like the bigger pictures for instance.  That's a good change.  Don't you think?  I do.

You may also start to see some bad changes like funky colors, missing links and whatnot.  Don't be alarmed.  I won't lose you forever.  Just hang tight.  I'm learning.  Slowly.

I changed my header.  Can you tell I was in a baby mood?  I must be hormonal.

I'm hoping to make things a little more organized on here so you don't have to go filtering through weeks of posts to find the one you want.

I know you go back and re-read my old posts because they're so entertaining.

Don't deny it.


Bookworm said...

no offense, we like ur old pic on top better. its more YOU. And more of " Life according to B"!
But, we like the one of the baby on bottom left corner.

WSMIL said...

I love the "life according to B" that said we don't like change. We are old and stuck in our ways and change is the last thing we want:) But as an old film critic used to say "there are parts I like and parts I don't":) But the idea of more easily going back to reread posts (of course we do) and see the comments I've missed would be greatly appreciated!

M-a-licious said...

I like it. Your picture is of life starting so it fits with your theme.

WSMIL said...

What a good idea MAL that is a concept I can run with. I'll get over my change issues:)

Bell Lee Button said...

I love the one with the baby sticking it's tongue out!!! So cute! OMG you need to travel down so you can take pictures of our newest baby, B! She was born Sunday! She is BEAUTIFUL!

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