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Again with the absence of a sneak peek...

the thing is, I haven't wanted to take the time away from editing to post a sneak peek.

I've been a very busy woman.

Sorry I've been robbing you of the joy that is the sneak peek.

I know you miss it.

But the good news is...

I've finished with this session.

I'm all caught up on editing sessions.

It's a good feeling.

I get to experience it for one more WHOLE day.

Because I have another session on Friday night.

I'm not complaining.  I love this job.

Because I get to make images like this...

and this....

and yes, this.

The only bad thing about being so busy is that I don't have time to blog about the really interesting stuff, like my aging issues, pictures of toilet paper dust (click here), sunsets and the meaning of life, the universe and everything (name that book).

I decided to go instrumental with this slideshow.  I adore Gregory Page as I've never heard another musician who sounds quite like him.  He gives me goosebumps.  This is his song "One Cloud For Two".  He also has a vocal version of it but I was feeling non-vocal (if you can believe that).

If you'd rather see her images without the accompaniment of music click here and select Miss Anderson.


Lunsford said...

Is that a subtle little reminder to me to return said book? Even if not intended, I will take it as such. I will give your book back before my kids eat it.

WSMIL said...

Ok for once Google does not have the answer and I can not name that book. Thank goodness Lunsford can it makes me feel better if we know what you are talking about when you are being criptic:)

PS: like the ones in the fields (as we walk in field of gold ((name that song oops that was the name of the song))

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