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We did it!

We got a shot of them in the same picture, both looking cute at the same time.

I think this is what some people would call a miracle.

I actually managed to get six of them together.  It doesn't matter that three of them were photoshopped in order to be usable. 

You wouldn't believe what I can do with this program (and I'm considered an amateur).  I won't tell you which images were "shopped"...that way you can tell me if you think you know which one it was.  If you're correct, then I'll know I need to remove that picture.  I don't want it to be blatantly obvious that I've removed, replaced or realigned someone's head or whole body for that matter.

I do have SOME pride.

Not much but some.

I don't know what it is about this shot but it seriously cracks me up.  I just smile every time I look at it.  His little wink thing he has going on coupled with her "seriously...this is what I have to put up with on a daily basis" face.  It's too much.

These shots were ideas that my client had.  This little guy likes his chainsaw very much and she wanted pictures of him with it...and because of the hurricane we had in May, I had plenty of wood for "cutting".

He was happy to do it.

Here's their slideshow.

he song is "It's a Big World" by Renee and Jeremy.  They sing kids songs that aren't just kid songs.

I like them.

If you don't want to watch a slideshow you can see their proofs here under Wood Family.


Bell Lee Button said...

I am at school, so i can't watch your slideshow yet. But i can't wait to when i get home!!!!!! I very much dislike school! Did you like my optimism about that????? Haha. JK. Anyways, going to look at more pics.

Bell Lee Button said...

Hey i know this is completely random and like doesn't apply to anything here. But...for some reason i really want to look at pics. of a wedding. So take some pics of weddings!!!!! jk. Haha. Have you ever done one by the Arch? It just so happened the first time i went there there was a HUGE wedding there. Tata

WSMIL said...

Did you put one of the photoshop ones in the blog? Come on give me a hint:) I have an idea but it isn't based on bad photoshop more like I've read too many detective novels:)

LOVE the chain saw ones!!! Especially the B&W ones but his face is so precious in all of them. His intense concentration and determination, love it. I would like to see some like that of our little boy. Actually can you see all three Priester men with chainsaws in a pic, how cute (I know they would prefer another word but too bad) would that be!

B said...

It's not on the blog post.

WSMIL said...

thank you!

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