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Our fifteen minutes of fame...

which I'm turning into 20 minutes of fame by posting it on here.

Matt and I (and Skii from Heartland Satellite) made it to the front page of the big old Fredericktown newspaper.  Exciting, no?

Matt looks really wide in his shot.

I don't because I made the newspaper let me submit my own image of myself and I'm a photographer who knows how to make myself look thinner.  Photoshop helps.

So here's the questions and answers:

Name:  Matt Priester
Age:  31
Occupation:  Satellite Tech at Heartland Satellite
Spouse:  Brandi Priester (Priester Photography)
Children: Three
Favorite TV Show:  The Office
Favorite Movie:  Bourne Identity
Favorite Food:  Mexican
Favorite Song:  "The Red" by Chevelle
Favorite Place:  New Zealand
Favorite Hobby:  None
What is one thing about yourself that most people don't know?:  I have been married 14 years
Which actor would star in the movie of your life?:  Matt Damon
What would you like to see in Madison County?:  More support for small business and a Taco Bell

Problems...Matt isn't 31...he's 32.  We haven't been married 14 years...we've been married 13 years.  And he apparently only knows that we have three children but not their names.

Name:  Brandi Priester
Age:  31
Occupation:  Owner of Priester Photography and Home School Teacher to oldest daughter
Spouse:  Matt
Children:  Mercede-11, Summer-9, and London-7
Favorite TV Show:  "The Office" and "House"
Favorite Movie:  "Singing in the Rain"
Favorite Food:  Schwan's Chocolate Almond Ice Cream
Favorite Song:  Eclectic/Folk;  anything not played on mainstream radio
Favorite Place:  Anywhere warm
Favorite Hobby:  Reading and photography
What is one thing about yourself most people don't know?:  I have always wanted to be a writer--so, instead, I am a blogger.
Which actor would star in the movie of your life?:  If Skii (Heartland Satellite) can pull off Clint Eastwood, I can pull off Angelina Jolie!
What would you like to see in Madison County?:  A more open attitude towards new experiences and people

Problems...The movie isn't "Singing in the Rain", it's "Singin' in the Rain" (it does make a difference).  Favorite song isn't technically correct because I love music that's on the radio too.  Anywhere warm for "Favorite Place" isn't what I wanted to put but I chickened out.  It should have read, "My own little world". And under Favorite Hobby I told him to put "Reading...and photography (duh)" but I was misquoted.

Misquoted, I tell you!

I'm over it.

And for those of you confused about the Skii/Clint Eastwood comment...Skii (a friend of ours) put in his 15 minutes of fame that the actor that would play the movie of his life would be Clint Eastwood.

Seriously, Skii? (raising eyebrows)

Though I'm also not sure how my husband thinks he can pull off Matt Damon. 

Let's be realistic boys...shall we?


WSMIL said...

Thank you so much for this! Now let's get started:) I thought Matt Damon for Matthew was the perfect choice I totally bought that. And for Skii it really depends on which Clint we are talking about. Young attractive Clint no way, however the Clint we all see now (old and kinda creepy) that one I think Skii can TOTALLY pull off. And I'm not sure Matthew looks wide in his picture he looks more like a criminal. (Really should have let you take his) I'm really sorry you chickened out because the "My own little world" is so perfect for you:) it's one of the reasons we love you!

PS: you totally picked on the same 3 things I found wrong w/your husbands, but the Taco Bell thing I hope his and mine dreams do come true (or Arbys or anything really)

Lunsford said...

Those who don't want much are seldom disapointed. If all it takes is a Taco Bell to make you guys happy then you are much more likely to find happiness than all those other people with great expectations of life.

WSMIL said...

Really that is all it would take! And an occasional win in Fantasy Football. I'm superficial what can I say.

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