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Three things:

In no particular order...

1.  One of my clients came to pick up her order (she knows who she is).  She said she was super excited to see them and I believed her.

She took her pretty little box of pictures and left.

At least I thought she left.

I had walked into the kitchen (probably to get something chocolate) and when I walked back through the living room I noticed her car still sitting in the driveway.

I was intrigued, so I lingered at the window.  She had opened her pretty little box of pictures and was flipping through them with a big smile on her face.

I left her to have her happy picture moment in privacy...and I was happy.

2.  One of my high school senior clients (you know who you are) came to pick up her pictures.  On her way out the door she hugged me.

Hugged me! 

She must really be happy with her pictures....that makes me happy.

3.  A woman approached me at the school while I was picking up kids (she also knows who she is) and expressed that she liked my work.

She also said she read the blog.


Which brings the total blog viewer count up to four.

And I was happy.

Thanks guys.  I feel so loved.

Also...(I guess this is technically four things) if you want a little chuckle you should read the ads below my posts.  I just realized yesterday (I'm a little slow) that they change according to what I post about.  They're surprisingly accurate though they take my words just a little out of context.

For instance, yesterday I blogged about how one of my eyebrows is lower, correction...higher than the other.  Now there are ads for "Cosmetics for skin flaws" and "Applying Eyeshadow".

Last Friday I blogged about a twin senior session I was working on and apologized to their mother because she had so many pictures to choose from that I wasn't sure how she was going to do it.  Now there are ads for "$29 I'm Sorry Flowers" and "Learn How to Forgive".  :)

This is going to be a fun new game.


Bookworm said...

They have a right to hug and smile! You do incredible things with us! Haha.

WSMIL said...

While I'm gratified my absence has been noted I can't help but see (read) just a touch of bragging here. It was that Angelina thing wasn't it:) Now you think your are the bomb (do they still even use that expression):) We think that, we even say it, but we are glad you finally realize how we truly feel about you. You have this gift for bringing out the best in people and helping them to see their true beauty. And for that alone we thank you. For the weirdness of your words there aren't enough words of gratitude! Now quit bragging and get back to making us feel the love:)

PS: aren't you glad I feel better today and took the time to come by:)

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