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In celebration of the first day of school...

I've set some goals for myself.

1. My children will be at school on time without yelling, screaming or name calling on my part.
2. My children will have brushed hair AND teeth every day.
3. I will feed my children a breakfast consisting of more than a Little Debbie every day.
4. Homework will be done and turned in on time barring any natural disasters, power outages, or mental breakdowns.
5. I will faithfully help them with all projects including but not limited to making robots out of boxes, Indian people out of construction paper, and volcanoes out of whatever it is you make a volcano out of.
6. I will be positive and happy about any school functions that I'm cajoled into attending despite the crowds, uncomfortable seats and some disruptive, rude parents.
7. We will miss as few days as possible despite any breakouts of chicken pox, influenza, malaria, West Nile virus, head lice, H1N1, the bubonic plaque....or just because we have the sniffles.
8. I will have a fresh, home made, and healthy snack waiting for my children every day when they get home from school.
Today started off well though I was highly disconcerted when I discovered that I wrote my son's age as nine on all of his registration paperwork.

He's seven.

Help me.

(The picture is of some of "our clan" enjoying a day at the park before school started.)


Lunsford said...

Those are really good goals, I would join you but I am just too much of a realist, I know that I will just never do all of those. I can never get the year they were born right right for all of them, but I think I usually get their age right

WSMIL said...

I wish you every success with your endeavor. But promise me and the rest of us that when some of these things fall through the cracks you won't become over stressed. As long as you get 3& 8 sort of covered I think you are golden (homemade could by definition be anything Jah created for us to eat). That being said did you look closely at the above picture? I don't think you did otherwise you would see what we all see: Happy, Healthy and Much LOVED children! So whatever you have been doing up to this point must be working! (ditto for you other parents whose kids are here also) What you do and what you give, in addition to doing what all the rest of us do to live daily, is a LOT of work. That is one reason many choose not to do it. But you do it and do it well! That said I hope you succeed and there is help if you need it! Surely someone knows who to build a volcano:) (PS: I think this will make a great computer wallpaper how can it not bring a smile)

Lunsford said...

I know how to make a volcano, which would not surprize you if you knew how much I love things that blow up. My main parenting plan is not to teach my children what I know about how to make things go boom.

WSMIL said...

I think that is probably a very good idea Heather! And I keep finding more and more that we need to hang out! Or maybe not because, you like things that blow up I like things that burn. So many things we shouldn't, I mean won't teach our kids or grandkids!

Bookworm said...

Could I have looked worse?

Lunsford said...

Stuff that burns is really great too...

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