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Have I mentioned that I want to have another baby?

I'm sure it has nothing to do with this recent session...
This is one of my favorites. I love that you can just see her lips and that her head is tilted slightly (and yes I did that on purpose...I actually know what I'm doing sometimes).

I was going for an artsy, grainy look on this one. She was back lit by the window. I just wish I would've had her with white material on bottom instead of the jeans so it would be seamlessly white.

We'll try that one on your next pregnancy, okay Betsy?
I love the simple cleanness of this one. Does that white spot above her hand bother you? I'm not sure if bothers me or not. Did you notice it before I mentioned it? Hmmm. May have to fix that.
I like that these next two aren't a typical pregnancy pose. The tilt and the sassy lean make this one for me.
And I love the curve of her body on this one and the red box just makes it pop.

I'm hoping to finish this session up tonight and then I'll be posting some sneak peaks from the senior session I did the same evening.

No worries to those of you who know me. Though I loved, loved, loved being pregnant and bearing children, I will NOT be procreating anytime soon.

I hope.


Betsy said...

You're so quick! I can't believe you've already got some pics up from this. I love the brick background one and the one where I'm sitting. I knew I would like the less traditional ones better! Can't wait to see the rest.

WSMIL said...

For the first time I am starting to ? your sanity and it has nothing to do with these great pictures!

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