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I'm going to do the unthinkable...

something that I've been chastised for doing on this very blog in the past by the photographic community.

I'm going to admit to something that is apparently unproffessional and bad for marketing.

Dare I say it?

I'm going for it.

I, Brandi Priester (also known as "B") had an "off" day. *gasp*  I'm a photographer who sometimes makes mistakes...who sometimes misses the artistic mark and who sometimes can't make her brain work as fast as it needs to. 

You might remember these lovely girls from their senior session several weeks ago.  Well, they came back and they brought the rest of their family.

And what a darling family they are.

I can't explain why, but I feel like I missed the mark on their session.  Don't get me wrong...I think we got some great images (like the ones in this post).  They make me happy.   I just feel like I could've done better.  I wasn't myself for some reason....and I don't do well when I'm not myself.

Why would I admit this to my past, present and possibly future clients on the wonderful, world wide web?

1.  Because I think my work is as much about how it makes me feel as it is about how the images actually look.  If I'm not happy with it, then it's not a success, no matter how many people think it is.

2.  Because I think it's possible to have a successful business while at the same time maintaining an open and honest line of communication with your clients.

3.  Because I'm human and will occasionally have "off" days.

but mostly because

4.  I want to assure this handsome looking family that if they aren't delighted with the results of their session then I'll make it right.  In whatever way I can.

Wow.  That was so liberating.

I may not have any future clients after that outburst, but I feel good about it.  And the Kemp family has the reassurance that if they aren't happy then B isn't happy.  Simple as that.

On a lighter note:

During the shoot, I kept looking at this lovely lady (the mother) thinking she reminded me of someone but I just couldn't place who.

When I saw the above picture it finally came to me...

No one I know remembers the t.v. show that used to be on called "Fairie Tale Theatre".  It was on every Sunday evening, I believe, and they had famous stars of the time play various fairy tale roles.  My sister and I rented the "Fairie Tale Theatre" "Cinderella" from the library many, many times and watched it over and over.  It stars Matthew Broderick as the prince and Jennifer Beals (Flashdance) as Cinderella.  It is, hands down, the best version of Cinderella, ever.

In my opinion, Miss Kemp (above), bears a striking resemblence to Cinderella as played by Jennifer Beals.  I guess I'm saying that she favors Jennifer Beals.  I'm not sure how you feel about that Miss Kemp, but I think it's a compliment.  Of course, I dreamed of looking like Cinderella when I watched the show with my sister so many years ago, so I'm a little partial to her.

I had searched high and low to find the show so I could make my girls watch it and force them to like it because I did, but I couldn't find it.  I actually couldn't even find anyone who had even heard of "Fairie Tale Theatre". 

The wonderful, world wide web came to my rescue...again.  I found the whole movie (in 6 parts) on youtube.  And yes, I'm linking it here for you.

You should watch it just to see the old celebrities in it.  The principal off "Grease" is the wicked stepmother, one of the step sisters is Mrs. Poole from "The Hogan Family" series...there's more but I can't think of them all.  Just watch it one rainy Sunday afternoon.  You'll thank me for it.

The Kemp family session is on the proof site here under, you guessed it..."Kemp Family".

Three more session on the way...


M-a-licious said...

I really like the black and white of the whole family. That one is really good. Also, you have a right to have an off day. Besides, if you never had one then you would have to be resigned to all the rest of us despising you for your constant perfection. Finally, if that is one of your off days, then there's no hope for the rest of us 'cause you still rock.

Lunsford said...

To quote my favorite poet, Jewel "sometimes it be that way" . No matter how badly we would all like to avoid it sooner or later it happens to us all. I think usually we are the only ones to notice, maybe sometimes those really close to us, but mostly it is just in our own head. The pictures are great, the day is over and today is a new day.

WSMIL said...

The fact that you were off your sparkle certainly doesn't come through in these pics. We all know what you mean though about wanting to achieve one thing and it comes out another. Doesn't mean the way it came out isn't great, just different than our own vision. And Ditto to the two who preceded me!

Now for the rest of your comments: I remember VIVIDLY "Fairie Tale Theatre" it was a family staple (unlike sugar NO sugar). We totally loved those and laughed till we wept and then laughed some more. I'm glad you found them for the kids to see (educational):). And thank you for giving them back to me. As I was looking at the pics I thought Wow she looks like Jennifer Beals! And then you turn right around and voiced it:) I think it is a combo of the "Flashdance" and "Lie to Me" (great show with another Brit if you haven't seen it). She has the sexy of the "Flashdance" and the you can't fool me of the "Lie to Me". Intriguing combo!

Bookworm said...

Maybe you have off days and don't think that you do good work ( even though these are really good) because you stay up so late! You posted this one at 12:03 A.M.! Crazy person. I rest my case. Jk. I love the third from the bottom. I don't exactly know why, but I like their different color shirts there. I love the contrast of colors I guess.

Bell Lee Button said...

Hey Bookworm it's ok to stay up late. Sometime you end up doing your work better late. You are ,most likely, alone and pretty much find yourself. At least i do. But B, Bookworm is right you may not think you did good but those pictures were amazing. If you feel that you need to do better then do whatever you feel is right. But in everyone else's opinion your pictures were beautiful!

WSMIL said...

Bookworm is totally right about the up late thing! And you only think you are doing your best work Ms. Button, but that is your brain trying to fool your body. Sometimes it works but not for long. It is proven people without sleep after a time become Psychotic:) That is one of the reason it makes for a great interrogation technique! Maybe bookworm was right before and you need help:)jk

Bell Lee Button said...

Hey! What is that supposed to mean WSMIL! Haha jk. I "think" i do just fine at night. But then again, i "thought" and that can never be a good thing. AHHHHHHH! Haha.

Bell Lee Button said...

I also admit that today i- Bell Lee Button- am having an off day too! I have so much i have to do after school that i may not get home from school till 7-8 p.m. This isn't good. I just want to go home and sleep :( Haha. I guess.

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