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More Than Meets The Eye...

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I am about to reveal myself as an even bigger nerd than you may already believe me to be.

Is that possible?

I think we shall soon find out....
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I am not a big fan of movies.

I guess I never really have been.
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Though there are movies that I look back on with a fondness, it's not because I enjoy the movie itself so much, but rather the time period that it recalls for me.

I would rather read a book.

I think I have determined the reason for this:

I'm a control freak.
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When I read a book I'm in control of the images in my head...the way people look, the way they walk, sound and dress. 

When I watch a movie, the director is in control of the images in my head.

I don't want him in control of my head.

Even for an hour and a half.


Control freak.
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Since I suffer from the afore mentioned psychosis and rarely watch movies, or even television I have become super sensitive to what little I do watch.

You know how people can become desensitized to violence and whatnot?

I've become the opposite of that.

I don't view it regularly, so when I do I get all stressed out, tense and jittery...and we're not talking Texas Chainsaw Massacre (as if)...we're talking Transformers.

(And no, not the cartoon...smartypants.)
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I climbed in bed a few nights ago and Matt was watching the last half of it.

I got pulled in by one of the transformer voices that sounded vaguely like Sean Connery, so I watched it with him.
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Bad idea.

I could feel my body tensing up through the whole thing and at one point I think I quit breathing temporarily.

The movie ended.

I couldn't relax but fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow (cause that's how I do things)....
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and promptly had the worst nightmares I've had in a long time.


My 10-year-old daughter laughed at me.

I should seek treatment.

Up next:  More Cassie!


WSMIL said...

Love these she has beautiful eyes. And the they's of the world (whoever they are I've never learned) say you should not watch action TV/movies before bed. Personally I've discovered you shouldn't read action books before bed either, and I don't fall right asleep and I'm therefore envious of you:)

Bell Lee Button said...

Its the same for love stories. Never read a love story before bed because you'll never be able to put it down. Its crazy. And it's not so cool when you stay up till 1 in the morning reading it and then have to get up and go to school the next. Eh!

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