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I betcha didn't know...

that I have my own CD.

I'm not technically on the CD (be very happy about that), but my picture is.
Not actually a picture of me (be very happy about that as well), but a picture I took.

You can see it here.  It's the CD entitled Satisfied.
Speaking of satisfied...thank you Punches Family...I do feel very satisfied having my image on your album.

You were all great to work with...even including the chubby little catepillar that made an appearance.

You can see the rest of their session here under "The Punches Family".

Up next:  Baby Cash


WSMIL said...

I wish I was talented enough to make an album so you could do the cover:) Some things just will never happen, guess I will accept a nice picture CD of us for an anniversary present, hint hint hint;)

PS: yes I do know what we are getting you but we are open to hints:)

Niki said...

wow!!! that is a cute family.

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