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This is a business card.

I made it for a friend that may or may not actually need a business card.

It started out as a joke in my head...

that I created in half an hour...

but then I liked it.

And he liked it.

So I went back and tweaked it for an hour and now he'll have it printed.

(On glossy cardstock with rounded corners per my instructions...I added the grey background just to show you that the corners will be makes all the difference, you know?)

If I had a tree in my yard I would call him solely based on this card, because it makes me laugh.

Wait a second...

I do have a tree in my yard!
Oh, the irony.


Lunsford said...

You and those pesky trees, seems a year can't hardly go by without some of them falling down and giving you troubles.

Love the business card, way warped just up my alley.

WSMIL said...

This proves why we love you, you are sick and we are sick and this relationship works:) Keep them coming I needed the smile today:)

Anonymous said...

I love it. Suits Derek perfectly!

Amy said...

I love it!! You are so creative. It does suit my crazy bro perfectly.

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