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Sour Bagpipes

 I can not tolerate the smell of sour clothes.

You know the smell...that musty, moldy smell that clean clothes sometimes get when they stay in the washer to long before being thrown in the dryer?

 That smell. I hate it.
 So imagine my dismay when I found myself lying in a bed of soured sheets last night.

Actually just one sheet...the fitted one...but still enough to drive me crazy.
 I didn't realize the predicament I'd gotten myself into until I had already pulled the comforter up to my cheek and assumed the fetal position on my right side (my position of choice for sleeping).

The subtle sour smell began to rise up around me and I screamed in my head, "Ack!! I just washed these sheets! Why me?  I hate my stupid washing machine!"
 There was no way I was going to strip the whole bed and put new sheets on it after I had already acclimated to the warmth of my bed.

 Not gonna happen. I was too tired.

So I did the only thing I could think of in my half asleep state. I grabbed a bottle of essential oil and sprinkled it on the offending sheet in hopes of camouflaging the smell.
 The problem? It was lavender oil.

I think I'm allergic to it. Not really allergic, but it makes my throat feel weird.

This was a sacrifice I was willing to make to avoid smelling a sour sheet all night long.
 I think this is proof and we can now acknowledge that I don't make the best decisions while on the brink of sleeping.
 I finally did fall asleep though it took five whole minutes instead of my usual 30 seconds, but I was successful despite the dry throat issue.
 The weird part came at about three o'clock this morning when I bolted awake to the smell of my sour sheet and the sound of bagpipes.
 Yes. Bagpipes.

It was a very brief sound...maybe 5-10 notes total, but I could certainly identify it as the sound of bagpipes.
 While this has raised many questions for me (as well as you, I'm sure), I have come to one conclusion...
Lavender makes me dream about bagpipes.

 How's that for an allergic reaction?

You can see the rest of this session here under "Breea M"


Anonymous said...

will I agree I have strong feelings about the state of my sheets...I have grown and now no longer make my husband get up during the night to remake the bed...can't stand wrinkles..esp bottom sheet...can't explain bagpipes...but not oils are created equal...depending on what is used with the oil I can only tolerate the theraputic essential lavender oil...jealous of the fast sleep you can reach...gorgeous pics....

WSMIL said...

You haven't been hitting the sleeping pills have you? That is usually when you get hallucinations:) Gorgeous girl and pictures!

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