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In one of my first posts I talked about my newfound realization that I'm a procrastinator. Maybe not a procastinator in the fullest sense of the term, but I get distracted easily. And I like to do things as soon as they pop in my head, which may put other what I'm actually supposed to be the bottom of the list.

That's what I'm doing right now. Apologies to the Collier Family since I'm supposed to be working on their pictures right now instead of writing this post.

I needed a break! I'll work on them as soon as this is done. I promise! You already got the teaser shots, what do you want from me? Seriously though, I'm on it...right after this.

I just decided that I needed to take a picture of my hands the way they look when I'm typing and, of course, share it with you.

So here it is.
Notice how that lovely little "B" just sits right between my thumbs? Ironic.

And to further prove to you how deranged I am, I'm going to tell you why I was thinking of my hands on the keyboard...
I made french toast this morning for the kids and myself (yes, this is related to the story). I sat down at the computer with my plate and realized that I hate sticky fingers. Not theivery, though I hate that too, but actual sticky fingers.
I think I hate it more than most people. It just seems like EVERY time I sit down with something syrupy or sticky it gets all over my hands on then transfers to everything else I touch. Like King Midas with the gold except it's Aunt Jemima...on my fork, my pants, my FINGERS! I can't stand it! I have to go wash my hands as soon as they get sticky. Is there a name for that? Like some kind of syrupy finger phobia? There must be.
So as I looked at my sticky hands this morning on my sticky keyboard I decided that I needed to take a picture of said hands and keyboard. After, of course, I washed them.
Aren't you glad I share?
Please give thought to how hard it is to take a picture of your own hands while your camera is balanced on your chest as you lean back in your office chair before you chastise me.
I appreciate the consideration.


Chelsey said...

Haha...That might cost you another Teaser!

Em said...

How in the world did you take a picture of your hands?

WSMIL said...

Myxophobia as the fear of slime is the closest thing I can come up with, but naturally while searching for this gem I found many things you don't have a phobia of such as neophobia you can tell because of your pics. Katagelophobia you can tell because of the things you can on this blog. And Cyberphobia because you use one so efficiently. And my personal favorite that I don't think you have, but maybe some days you do Pentheaphobia. (like when I carry on like this) And on your next break you can look up what those mean. And yes you can tell I'm my father's daughter.

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