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Mrs January...

in the cancer survivor's calendar, Debi Govero.

We had a very quick session because, well...she's a very busy woman.
She not only has TEN children, that if I understood correctly are all spaced two years apart,
but she also homeschools them all.

Yes.  It's true.

She homeschooled all ten children, from the five year old all the way back to the twenty-something eldest.
This was comforting to me, being a new homeschooler myself.
I'm only schooling one right now, but as I slowly take on the other two I'll be thinking of Mrs. January and her brood of ten.

That should make three seem as easy as pie.

Every time I say "easy as pie" it reminds me of a phrase from a cartoon that I used to watch as a kid.

It's Little Audrey and the name of the cartoon was "Tarts and Flowers".

She's baking a cake via a recipe on the radio and after she's done with the batter the chef says, "Simple as pie, isn't it?  Skill with a skillet is how you fill it!"

Now, every time I here or say "easy as pie", in my own demented head I finish it off by saying, "skill with a skillet is how you fill it!".

See how impressionable young children are?  This will affect me the rest of my life...and I didn't even see it coming!

Oh look!

Here's the video!

It's a classic, you must watch it.



Bell Lee Button said...

Interesting....thanks for the fill in's. Where is everyone? That poor woman! I have a hard enough time with one sister let alone 10 children! I hope it's rewarding for her...haha i'm sure she loves them. Tata everyone! Oh wait there's no one there.

WSMIL said...

Sorry we had places to go and people to see, and pie to fill:) I especially like the one in the chair with the texture. And face it not many of us would look that good after having 10 kids, ok not many of us look that good now;)

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