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Guess what?!

It turns out....I've got kids!
Three of them!
They're twelve, ten and eight years old, respectively.

I's crazy. 
You would never have known based on the frequency with which I post pictures of them.
I will try to do better.
It's just that whole "cobbler's kids don't have shoes" thing (which leaves me feeling sorry for the plumber's children).
I have thousands (yes, thousands) of pictures of my kids as babies while I was learning to use my camera.

And now that I actually know what these buttons on my camera are capable of doing, I don't take pictures of them like I used to.

It's sad really, because I've realized that it's due to the fact that I'm too worried about getting a technically acceptable shot. 

I'm too worried about the lighting and the exposure and the focus and the composition and the blah, blah blah, instead of what my kids are doing at that precise moment that I want to save for when they're older and don't like me anymore.

I need to step out of photographer mode to take pictures of my kids.

My point?

Obviously everyone can't be a professional photographer, but you should embrace the idea of taking those ho-hum, badly lit, out-of-focus shots of your kids as much as you can because I guarantee you that those will be the shots you keep going back to look at when they've moved out and moved on.

Of course, the Priester Photography portrait will still be on the wall though (wink, wink).

*Side note---I've revamped the blog...hope you like it.  There are many glitches yet to be worked out as I'm learning html as I go.  I hope this allows everyone easier access to the individual posts without as much scrolling.  Click around, check it out and feel free to offer any suggestions or report any issues.
Thank ye.


Mother of Merna and B-dog said...

Love the new format on the opening page!

B said...

Thank ye kindly ma'am! It will continue to be a work in progress.

WSMIL said...

Ditto, love the new look. Much easier and less scrolling means I might not need that carpal tunnel surgery as soon:)

Now that is out of the way, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. As a completely unbiased bystander these are some of your best work yet:) But maybe that is my point of view because of the subjects involved;) Again thanks! (and keep it up)

Bumble-Bree said...

Hey! I didn't have to do the goofy type the letters as you see them thing!!!! Me likey.

Bumble-Bree said...

Yes, at first I wasn't sure what I thought about it, but I am actually really liking it. It makes it a lot easier to find what you are looking for when you can't remember the name of the post. On the first one I had a hard time figuring out which girl was which. Haha. I think M should have been on the far left. I wouldn't have been so cornfused. ;) Great job.:)

Bell Lee Button said...

Wow....difference. I like! I haven't gotten to check it out (sorry) ive been real busy. But i am proud to say i will be receiving a fairly nice digital camera tomorrow so i can take shots (bad shots) to remember everything by. Even though those may not be the most professional pictures youve ever taken i really like them. It's like a happy moment frozen to remember them by. Its very special.

WSMIL said...

Way to go Ms. Button! Memories are great, and when you get old like me and don't have any then the pictorial proof that you were there comes in handy for friends to blackmail you with no wait I mean show you what a great time you had.

Bell Lee Button said...

Thanks! I'm excited, but it didn't come in when i thought it would. Dumb postal services, haha.

Anonymous said...

I'm really behind. I kept thinking I am in the wrong place. I do like it. But I was getting used to all the bla, bla. bla bla stuff.

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