I was laying in bed last night unable to sleep because I was thinking about how to get my slideshow program to work properly. I then started thinking about my identity. This is how my mind works.
By identity, I mean how other people view me, how I view myself...my identifying characteristics. I've always thought that I had characteristics that define me...make me who I am. These are not amazing things, it might be something simple like the way I hold my hand when I'm thinking. But I'm conscious of those little things and realize that it makes up me...good or bad.
So in my state of dreaming while awake I was thinking of all the times I've seen other people say/do those same things. Was I influenced by them or were they influenced by me? Did I steal their characteristic or did they steal mine?
It doesn't matter either way, but it's a little disconcerting when someone's carrying on a conversation with you and your mind says, "That's exactly how I hold MY hand when I laugh! Am I copying them or are they copying me?!" It just makes it a little hard to pay attention.
I realize that we are all shaped by those around us and we're going to exhibit each other's characteristics from time to time, but I guess I was thinking that there were some things that were just mine.
Is this an identity crisis?
I don't know.
I do know that some days I feel like this... And some days I feel like this.
And I'm okay with that.
She is so cute!
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