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Psh. That's just lint change...

I fixed my dryer.

(Matt helped.)
It was the idler pulley (which is something that I now know exists and allows my dryer to dry).
 If your dryer starts to make a knocking noise (like there is a tennis shoe bouncing around inside it) it is most likely your idler pulley.

At least from my experience of fixing one dryer.
 When we pulled the front off the dryer I was amazed at the amount of lint/build-up/gunk that was accumulated all around the vent blower thingie (technical term).
  I took advantage of the opportunity and cleaned that bad boy out.
I also documented the contents just for you.

You're welcome.
 This is what I found (in no particular order):
 One yellow lego
A washer
 Six bobby pins
 Seven and a half toothpicks
 A three inch piece of necklace chain
 A clear pushpin
 A yellow bread clip
 A clear price tag
 A dead (obviously) moth
 A Roly-Poly (also dead)
 A LOT of glitter
 A few things that look like one carat diamonds that are as yet undetermined but that are very obviously not mine as I have never owned even a half carat of a diamond (or a quarter carat if I'm going to be completely honest)
Fourteen ounces of lint
 (I weighed it.)
 (Not really.)
 Three quarters 
 Two dimes
 and one penny.

The parts to fix the dryer cost me $31.73.
 So by my calculations the actual cost to fix the dryer was $30.77 considering I found 96 cents.

Not bad.

Not bad at all.

(Patting self (and hubby) on the back.)

You can see the rest of this session here under "Allgier/McCormack Engagement."


WSMIL said...

I love these pictures but the first is my fav! The love is just pouring out of this picture.

Anonymous said...

I love the nineteenth picture! It is so cute!


LUNSFORD said...

I love the one on the railroad tracks, it's full of whimsy.

Amy S. said...

I found it funny that you found a washer in your dryer! Lol!! Yes, I do realize I'm a nerd. :)

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