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Sun Dog

How is it possible that I'm 32 years old and have never seen nor heard of a sun dog?

According to what I've read, that is precisely what you are looking at.
It's also what I was looking at somewhere around two o'clock today.

The pictures don't do it's hard to take pictures of the sun and this was a double rainbow around the sun.

You had to be wearing sunglasses (or looking through a vehicles tinted windows (but not while driving)) to see it well.

I had never seen anything like it...and the only reason I saw it today is because a friend called me and told me to take a picture of it.  (Thank you friend.)

I've probably never been able to view a sun dog because I was warned as a child that you can't look at the sun or you'll go blind.

So I didn't.

And don't.

And I almost missed this!

Moral of the story?

Look at the sun.

Just make sure you're wearing sunglasses.

**I can not be held responsible for any blindness that you may incur while staring at the sun per my advice.


Derek A. said...

Cool. I saw one a couple years ago. Thanks for photographing so us who didn't bother to step outside today get to see it too. That was thoughtful. :)

Corey said...

Great shots! Isn't solar phenomenon rad?
...and I agree, very difficult to document without burning the eyeballs out of your head. But we must always pay attention to the sun, right? There is a reason man has worshiped it for eons. It is the catalyst for all life "under the sun", while forever reserving the right to completely vaporize us if it chooses.

I am reminded of a song lyric...

"Staring at the Sun isn't right, but wrong in a good way."

and now I shall be a persnickety nerd...
What you have beautifully captured here is a solar halo. A sundog is when there are bright and often colorful "false suns" located at the edges of the halo and at the same distance above the horizon as the sun. Sometimes in rare instances, they are also seen above and below the sun. So far, it is my favorite atmospheric occurrence.

So there.


Bumble-Bree said...

Yeah, I've seen one before. They're pretty cool. (Through tinted windows.) hehe.

WSMIL said...

persnickety nerd may be my favorite new expression!

Bell Lee Button said...

Where does the "dog" in the term come from? I don't get it.

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