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Per their mother's request...

I'm walking out the door in 5.2 minutes...
but decided to share these few shots...
and one little thought.
I saw a Walgreens sign in Cape last night while school shopping with my only remaining public school child.
It said, "Now selling flu shot gift cards".
This raises many questions, most of which I don't have time to address.
1.  A drug store can adminster a flu shot?

2.  People get flu shots at drug stores?

3.  You can buy a gift card specifically for a flu shot?

4.  What kind of person would appreciate a flu shot gift card?

and most importantly...

5.  What kind of person would think a flu shot gift card was a GIFT?

Just a little something for you to ponder until I get to the many remaining shots of these two cutie pies.


WSMIL said...

Well I guess I've got to get you something different now for your anniversary present;) I guess those his/hers flu shots won't be appreciated:)

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