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Unorthodox Working Methods

It has occurred to me that the manner with which I approach editing my sessions is unlike most photographers.

 This is a guess, because I've never peered in on another photographer while they were editing.
 But I assume that most photographers load their images from the session, sit down and then edit them.

The end.
 My process goes something more along the lines of this:

--Load pictures into the computer.

--Pour a glass of lightly sweetened tea into a mason jar.

(A real mason jar, not the mason jars that are pretending to be a drinking glass by sporting a handle on the side.  Those "mason jars" are imposters.)
 --Open one set of images from the shoot in Photoshop.

--Play Textropolis, grade papers or something equally as constructive while they're opening.

(Most likely Textropolis.)
 --Edit furiously for approximately ten minutes.

--Become physically unable to edit another picture.

--Turn on Pandora radio.
 --Music (and more recently comedy) motivate me to catapult myself into more furious editing.

--Edit for approximately 10 more minutes.

--Check my email.

--Check the weather.

--Pop my fingers (as I'm doing right now).
 --Back to furious editing.

(It may sound as if I'm angry while editing but I'm actually quite content with it.)

--Play mind games with myself..."if I finish these next five pictures without stopping, I can read a chapter of my book."
 --Edit five pictures without stopping (yeah for me!).

--Read a chapter of my book as a reward. 

--Two chapters.

--Three chapters.

--Okay, okay.  I finish the book.

--NOW I have to really get crackin'.
 --Halfway through editing.

--Reward myself for making it halfway by checking out SwissMiss.

--Edit three pictures.

--Peruse Not Martha for crafty things I could do in my "spare" time.
 --Tea refill.

--Potty break.

--Edit with renewed ambition.
 --Ten pictures to go.

--Edit two.

--Stare out the window.

--Check my email.

--Check the weather.

--Check my bank account.

--Mourn the state of said bank account.

--Decide that bank account will never change if I don't finish editing.
 --Edit with goal of feeding children.

--Get hungry.

--Make sandwhich.

--More tea.

--Textropolis (at least it's educational).

--Finish editing.
--Finish editing?!

--I finished editing!

--Rejoice in major accomplishment.

--Feel highly proficient.

--Realize another session is patiently waiting in the wings.


--Bask in ability to finish blog post in twenty minutes.

--Load pictures into the computer.

--Pour a glass of lightly sweetened tea into a mason jar.

You can see the rest of this session here under "Smith Family" and you can also check out her website here.


WSMIL said...

Love these!!! And thanks for the insight into your day, it will help me to have a better appreciation for how these glorious pictures arrived here on the blog:)

Stephanie Lynn said...

My husband is a graphic designer and photographer and his editing sessions go quite similarly. Just substitute "soda" for "tea" and "crazy facebook games" for "textropolis" and that's what happens at my house. And I'm usually looking over his shoulder saying "Aren't you supposed to be editing photos?". I think it's just that creative type coming out. You can't work unless you're inspired but sometimes you have to work anyways and therefore procrastinate hoping inspiration will come. :)

Anonymous said...


SeƱor Taco said...

Welcome to the world of A.D.D.

Anonymous said...

wow that is one cute baby. there are no words to say how good u are at photography!!!!! your EPIC lol jk.


WSMIL said...

Interesting observation Taco that's what the chiropractor said about her presleep routine:) I think there is a med for that B but we like you this way so don't stop now!

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