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Off the Top

That's the title of my new blog series.
Featuring random thoughts from my head that are exactly the top.

(This is really just for days that I don't have the intellectual prowess to create a smoothly transitioning post about anything specific.)

Since my previous post about my showering methods, I've decided that someone needs to invent a writing tablet for the shower buy me a writing tablet for the shower.
It's where most of my thinking occurs.

I should probably shower more often.
I like to search Google for bizarre things in order to educate myself about are some of my most recent Google searches:
writing in the shower
(for obvious reasons)
poetic justice
(I wondered about the background of this interesting phrase.)
creative lice
(I mistyped creative live but it turned out to be educational all the same as I'm sure you can imagine.)

old definition of make love 
(Because things just don't mean the same anymore.)
(I'm sure that turned up some interesting results.)
10/16 decimal
(Despite what you may be thinking, this didn't have anything to do with homeschooling.  It involved printing a gift certificate on my new printer.  Don't ask.)
The great thing about knowing what I've searched for in Google is that if you want to be as knowledgeable as I am, all you have to do is type the same words in your Google search bar.
Why can't I remember my times tables or remember to purchase toilet paper but I know every single word to "Ice, Ice Baby"?
I think that's called wasted brain space.
Unless I was in a very bizarre hostage situation in which the hostage takers would only release those hostages that could sing a Vanilla Ice song.
In which case I would be very thankful to my brain for keeping that memory for me.

Though I would probably forget it if they had guns pointed in my face.
My brain doesn't perform well under pressure.

Particularly the pressure of a gun barrel.

You can see the rest of this session here under "Bryson and Morgan Photobooth".


WSMIL said...

You know all the words to Ice, Ice Baby because those are all the words;) We weren't always that bright, but these people (in the photos)really are! LOVE THESE!!! Especially the girls in the blue dresses they are too cute. And now you can google it and tell me if I used to/too correctly or incorrectly (never did get that):)
And you need one of those things you talk to and it writes your words, less dangerous in the shower, more affordable (for those of us buying it for you) let me google it now!

Anonymous said...

omg this is so funny. i love it!!!!! no matter what u do an awesome job!!!!


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