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My Scientific Hypothesis

Let's explore the direct relationship between the popping of one's joints and serious stretching of one's muscles and their conduciveness to a good nights sleep.

 I'm very poppy and stretchy all day.
So it only makes sense that when I get in bed I stretch.

And pop.

I point my toes, roll my ankles, flex my quads, arch my back and do the hands-clasped-together-over-the-head arm stretch (I sure wish that had a shorter name).
 I then do this cool little move where I turn my head to the side and if I get just the right angle I can achieve the most satisfactory snap, crackle and popping sound(s) from my neck.
 Matt hates it.

Which is most likely why I've been doing it for the past 15 years.
 I then proceed to pop my fingers, stretch some more and then pop my toes by curling them.
 I stretch a little more, pop a little more and then I flip up on my right side and I'm out.


Just like that.

No tossing.  No turning.

Just blissful sleep.
 When Matt gets in bed he just gets in bed.
 That's it. 

No stretching.

No popping.
 He just lays there.

Like a giant, old sack of potatoes.

(Can't you feel the love?)
 But guess who can't sleep?

That's right!

The non-popper/stretcher.
Matt's convinced that one day soon I'm going to paralyze myself by popping my neck.

At least it will be in the name of science.

Besides, he's just being crabby about it because he's tired.

The poor, giant sack of potatoes.

PS.  I can talk about him like this on my blog because he refuses to read it.  That's some sort of poetic justice, isn't it?

You can see the rest of this session here under "Besher Senior".


Derek said...

I'm out immediately with no popping or cracking. Although I go through a rigorous stretching routine when I wake up.

WSMIL said...

I'm glad that you can sleep, you need it. We all need it we just don't all achieve it. And you really need to see a chiropractor, I know serveral good ones, that popping just ain't right:)

PS: Brandon should be careful who he unleashes that smile on it's a killer

Anonymous said...

you pics r like happy,sad, sad, happy, happy, what u lookin at, really happy, i hear u but dont care, then nothing, kinda sad, to happy days!!!!! thats what i got from ur pics. lol
love niki

Anonymous said...

the popping is good for you. i do it too. i can't tell that it has helped my sleep but, they do say that it keeps you from getting arthritis and stuff which is contrary to the old myth that you would get arthritis. so, just keep popping.

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