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How do you get out of the shower?

( is sleeping.)

I know that seems like a personal question, but let me explain:
 When Matt (the husband) is getting out of the shower he stands in the shower, grabs his towel and dries off while standing in the shower.
 When I get out of the shower I grab the towel as I'm stepping out of the shower and dry off while standing on the bath rug.
 Matt says I'm doing it all wrong because I'm getting the rug wet which could lead to mildew problems.
 I say I'm doing it right because I do a lot of flailing about when I'm drying off (which I've been told is a very NOT sexy way to dry off, to which I replied that someone needs to stop watching movies with women drying off sexily in them because it's just not realistic) and there's frankly not enough cubic space in any shower I've been in for me to dry effectively while at the same time being able to avoid smashing my elbow/knee/head into the side of the shower.
 I could also trip and fall while trying to balance on one foot while drying the other.

You know how clumsy I am.

The odds of my tripping while standing on one foot on a fluffy bath mat are significantly lower.

I didn't say it's not possible, I said the odds are lower.
So after much deliberation and weighing of facts I have decided that I have two choices:

1.  Stay in the shower while drying off as the apparently dexterous husband does and risk gashing open my head on the water faucet, a bloody bathtub and a very embarrassing call to 911.


2.  Continue my harmless method of stepping out of the shower to dry off and risk a moldy bath mat.

I think that's pretty cut and dry, don't you?

Did you see what I did there?  Cut and dry.  Get it?  Dry.

Oh.  It's not funny if I have to explain it.

You can see the rest of this session here under "Foss Baby".


Stephanie Lynn said...

I'm definitely in the get out of the shower and then dry off camp. That's what the bath mat is for-to catch the drips while you're drying off! I use a washable bath rug that's more like a small, not so terribly fluffy towel (or in a pinch, an actual towel). Then I just wash it regularly so no mildew!

Plus, bath mats are cheap. Emergency room bills, not so much. ;)

Ashes of Abdication said...

it depends... i don't know of what it depends but sometime i get out and dry off and others i stay in the shower... haha

Anonymous said...

u are amazing at takeing pics

--- niki

Anonymous said...

My husband and I have the same discussion. And it bothers him that our kids don't dry off while in the shower. I'm an out of the shower dryer. I just feel like if I am still standing in the shower trying to dry off that I can't get completely dry because the shower is still wet.

WSMIL said...

Once again you have reminded me how much your hubby can sound like his father, not that we have ever had this discussion because we both dry off in the shower, but if I had ever stepped outside of it I promise he would have mentioned the mold;)

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