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Off the Top...Take Two

Can we do two "Off the Top" episodes in a row?

Of course we can!
 It's my blog.

I'll do what I want.

As long as you'll still love me.
 You do still love me, right?

Just checking.


Did you love me to begin with?

Maybe we should take this relationship a bit slower.

I'm feeling a little bit cramped.

I need my space.

Let's just be friends?
My comments in defense of posting two "Off the Top" episodes in a row:

I didn't have to make this post tonight.

I did it for you.

I would rather be in bed.  It's after nine and I have to be up at four in the morning.
 Be grateful for the "Off the Top" episode, even if you wanted something with a little more substance instead.

There are children in other countries that don't even get "Off the Top" episodes young lady/man!
 Moving on.

I love that my phone's autocorrect feature changes "alrighty" to "almighty".

I'm sometimes tempted to leave it that way just to make people wonder.
 Yes, I realize that they're probably already wondering.

I tend to make people do that.

But I'd like them to wonder about whether or not I texted "almighty" on purpose because I'm trying to tell them something or if I'm the only person on Earth that still quotes from "Dumb and Dumber" but can't seem to get the "r" to behave.
 With all of the shower talk that's been taking place here on my little blog, I figured I'd bring up yet another showering issue I've had in the past...
 Have you ever jumped into the shower/bath only to realize that you still have on a piece of clothing?
 I'm embarrased to say that this has happened to me on way more than one occasion.

I once jumped in the shower with one sock on.
 Once I jumped in with both socks on.

And once I sat down in the bath only to realize that I was still wearing my underwear.
 How far away must my mind have been for me to do this?
 I'm starting to agree with the teacher that added this comment to my report card...

"Brandi has trouble concentrating."
 If she only knew how I struggled to remember to disrobe before taking a shower.  Maybe then she would have felt a little better about my B minus.
 My family and I went to dinner this evening.

At an actual restaurant.
 No one got beat.

No one was fighting.

No one complained about sharing a plate.

We ate and conversed with our 13, 11 and 9 year old.

And enjoyed it.

They thanked us for dinner.
Afterwards we walked outside to our car.

The rain stopped.

The clouds cleared.

Birds sang...I think there were doves, and possibly a rainbow. 

And people raised their hats as we walked by.

And clapped.

And put garlands around our necks.

And kissed our cheeks.

An old man was crying.

And life was good because I think I may actually like my kids now.

You can see the rest of this session here under "Tripp Family".


Anonymous said...

it ok your not the only one who forget to disrobe befor takeing a shower or bath. lol and congrad on the family dinner. hope to see you guys soon

love niki

Ashes of Abdication said...

Your not the only one that still quotes dumb and dumber!!! haha

Bell Lee Button said...

Eh...i'm not so sure about those kids....they seem to take after their mom! I mean their dad! Haha. JK. They seem like real keepers to me. Just take it one restaurant meal at a's all good :)

Bumble-Bree said...

We ALL quote dumb and dumber! :)

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