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A great time waster.

If you're in need of such.


I did.

Wedding pictures next, I promise.

My excuse is that my tummy hurts.  I can't focus on editing when my tummy hurts.

I think I need chocolate.

Yep.  I'm pretty sure that's it.


Merna said...

Ok creepy! I was extremly bored last night, so I was trying to think of a game I could play, so I played Sprout!!! That is absolutley hillariuos(I have no idea if I spelled either of those words right, lol)! I hadn't even looked on here. I guess great minds think alike B., hehe.

Bumble-Bree said...

I liked it. And why were you bored in I not supposed to tell?

WSMIL said...

A month sounds great to start with but starts to wane towards the end. You totally want your own bed and a McDonald's. Don't ask me why when you don't eat McD's when you are at home but suddenly your life depends on getting one:) On the up side if you find one in a foreign country you can usually get beer to go with that Big Mac.

SeƱor Taco said...

I'll never get that back,
the time i spent sprouting
rediculous, very rediculous, why B?

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