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Our Dentist

We needed to find a new dentist for the kids.
I searched the web and phone book to find one.
I called and set up an appointment for them.
Almost three months ago.
I knew the appointment was on the 27th of June at 4:00 because I wrote it in my handy dandy datebook.
We waited patiently for June 27th to arrive.
As I was doing my pre-week planning I noticed that I didn't have the name of the dentist written down.
"No problem", said I, "I'll just look in the phone book and the name will sound familiar to me".
Do you see where this is going?
Nothing looked familiar.  Other than the word "dentist".
I then decided that I would just start calling all the dentists in the phone book and asking them if they had my children down for an appointment.
After about 20 different phone calls of shame and having roughly 6 different receptionists laugh hysterically at my perdicament I gave up.
This left me with one question:
If I didn't make a dental appointment with any of the dentists in the phone book, who did I make an appointment with?
I think I'm trapped in a bizarre space time continuum involving dental appointments.

You can see the rest of the wedding images (including the photobooth images) here under "Nekula/Mohan Wedding".


WSMIL said...

They should have called you to confirm the appointment on June the 26th thus solving your dilemma:) We wouldn't have laughed at you, it happens almost daily at our office. And LOVE the biker shot and the dipping kiss is AMAZING!!!

Bell Lee Button said...

I can just picture some dental office in alaska waiting for their only appointment in 6 weeks to show up. You just totally stood them up haha JK. You could come to the bluff we have pretty good dentists there....:B <- get it? My smiley has buck teeth hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

I've been trying to figure out what your dentist problems had to do with this lovely wedding. Care to enlighten us?

B said...

Anonymous (or should we call you Sherlock),

It has absolutely nothing to do with my dentist problem. Why? Because early on in my blogging activities I discovered that I was sick of writing what EVERY OTHER photographer blogger was writing. Namely, "I loved working with this couple", "Look how cute this baby is!", and "How cute is this family?". Then I discovered that if I was sick of writing the same things over and over then my readers (few may they be) must be tired of reading them.

It was around this time period that I had also decided that I needed to write a book for my kids to remember me by in the event of my death (untimely or otherwise). The only problem was that I knew I wouldn't commit to a project as large as writing an entire book.

Enter blog topics that are completely unrelated to the subject matter.


Obviously you are not a fan of this method, but that's okay. The beauty of it is that you don't have to read can just look at the pictures if that's what brought you here in the first place. But I'm warning you...if you don't read the words, you might miss out on topics about why I love Google, how to abbreviate television, my various ailments, and how I'm like Kramer.

Hope that helped enlighten and thanks for visiting the blog and taking the time to comment despite your confusion.

WSMIL said...

Obviously you have gotten a new follower, welcome!

Bell Lee Button said...

Anonymous don't let these words scare you it can actually be quite entertaining!

Anonymous said...

what's not to love???? humor, beauty,commentorating special times in our lives
okay I can't spell and am not taking the time for google and friends to fix it.... the popcorn bubbles of thinking are not wrong just very interesting...keep it up...we love it....

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