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Off the Top--Take Four

Grandma is gone.  Not gone, gone, but gone to live in her own apartment.
 We actually quite liked her living here, but I don't think she could handle the three kids, two dogs, late-night keyboard clacking, company in and out and no schedule craziness that is the Priester household.
It takes a special kind of person to live this life.
 I'm an aunt again!

And it turns out that I'm the best aunt ever.

In the history of aunts.
 Ok..maybe not in the whole history of aunts, but pretty close.

I named her.

Yep, that's right.  I picked out her name.

Remedy (no middle name yet).
 I actually had several favorites that I located on the interwebs, but Remedy made the cut...with me, obviously, but more importantly with the two people who created her.

I guess it's only fair that they should get to name her.

But I helped.
On the topic of naming children, remember how I said that if I ever had another child I would name her Maybe?

I guess that's out since that's now our dog's name.

In case you were worried.
 I've now decided that if I ever have another girl, (which I won't) her name will be Ivy.
 I have a clothesline now.

I love it.
 I haven't used my dryer in two weeks.
 I love the sun beating on my shoulders and the smell of outside when I'm hanging up clothes.
 The pinnacle of my clothesline joy was reached today when I was hanging my clothes on the line while wearing a long flowy skirt.

The skirt blew in the wind and whipped around my legs.

My hair was blowing across my face.
I felt like a mix between Scarlett O'Hara, Laura Ingalls Wilder and the girl on the front of romance novels...with just a dash of June Cleaver.

A good mix, eh?

You can see the rest of this session here under "Reagan Family".


Bell Lee Button said...

I'd say so! You a country wo'man now! Hahahaha. Lets draw some freckles and braid your hair now. Adorable family by the way!

WSMIL said...

I hope someone took a picture of the sexy clothsline you:) And apparently you are the inspiration for many names, even ones you may not be aware of. Thanks to you my fantasy football team this year is Maybe:) Obviously, I'm hoping for victory, but not expecting it, just like E's New England Patriots;)

Anonymous said...

The wife don't like clothesline, she doesn't care for the way the clothes feel when they're dry. (e.g. Stiff) ?

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