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What should we talk about today?

 I have a lot of things to discuss, but they all involve bodily functions.

I figured you were sick of hearing about those.
 Then I got frustrated because I couldn't think of something interesting to say.

So I just started typing.
 Matt just walked down the stairs.

I whined, "I need a blog topic."
He replied, "Beer".

I then heard the pop-pssh sound of a can opening.

He's so extemporaneous.

A quality every woman wants in a man.
 I grunted at his suggestion and he replied, "Here's a better about why you're the only one who thinks grammatical errors are hilarious".
 He thinks I'm ridiculous because I laugh when people make spelling mistakes.

He thinks I sound demeaning.
 He just doesn't understand that I'm not laughing at the person or the mistake, but the way the sentence sounds when the word is spelled incorrectly, thereby changing the entire meaning of the sentence.
For instance:  Someone texted me the following sentence, "If I can stop balling long enough..."

I laughed.  It was hilarious.  Because in my mind I was picturing a "baller" (someone very wealthy, a high-roller, living large), not her "bawling".
Of course I pointed out the mistake to her and she laughed as well.

So, see?

My being entertained by grammatical errors can be emotionally uplifting for others.  I might go so far as to say that it's theraputic. 
 I'd be willing to bet that if there are any punctuation enthusiasts out there reading my blog that are as entertained by mistakes as I am, they feel more relaxed, fulfilled and content than they ever have in their entire lives while reading my run-on sentences and too many commas.
I'm an excessive comma user.
Most likely in places I don't need a comma.
I think that could be funny.
For someone who knows where the commas actually go.
I just put them in whenever I feel the need for a pause.

PS--I also laugh at my OWN spelling mistakes and realize that my blog posts are most likely brimming with them since I don't have a spell checker on my blogger creator page thingie.  So there.

You can see the rest of this session here under "Sheldon Baby".


WSMIL said...

You could explain to us the correct use of to and too, I never seem to remember that:)

Bell Lee Button said...

I vote you blog about food. I love it when you blog about food :). And funny conversations you have. Or...better yet...more superhero's those seem to be pretty comical.

Ashley said...

To WSMIL: Too means also. EX: I like ponies too(also). I don't know that is just how I remember it.

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