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Off the Top...Take Three

I bought a new pair of (old) shoes over the weekend.

They're vintage mens deck shoes.  I tied boat knots in the laces.

They are amazingly comfortable and I love them.

They make me feel antique.
We went to a graduation party last night (pictures to follow in an upcoming blog post).

Two noteworthy things occurred:
1.)  I danced very little.  I usually dance a very lot.  I'm either a.) an old crotchety lady or b.) I have danced myself right out.
2.)  Someone told me I looked like Jackie O. in my new (old) lace dress.

I'll take it!
Two grandma-isms: 

1.)  After I took a sharp turn on an off-ramp, "Well, my goodness!  That's enough to flip your wig up!"
*Note--She does not wear a wig.
2.)  While talking about taking the kids swimming--"I don't know about taking kids swimming.  There are so many kids in those pools you'd never know if one of them was drowning (pause), unless they floated right up to the top."
Matt was laying in bed.

I wanted him to come somewhere with me and the kids.

He didn't want to go.
I said in my most tempting voice, "Come on.  If you come with us I'll take you to get ice cream."
He raised his eyes, smirked at me and said, "Why don't you just leave and I'll go get me some ice cream."
That bribe did not work out as I had planned.

I guess the loss of effectiveness lay in the fact that he, unlike the children, has access to money and a vehicle with which to get his own sweet dairy products.  I will remember this for next time I'm trying to get my way.
We went out of town for the weekend.

Most people go sight-seeing, boating, to the beach and whatnot while on mini vacations.
What do I do?
I go junk shopping!

Armed with my phone's map and a list of places to scout out, it's all the enjoyment I need.

It's like my own personal scavenger hunt.
I took grandma with me as she was on "vacation" with us and I didn't want to make her stay alone in the hotel room watching t.v.

I was worried that she'd get bored or slow me down but we covered all the spots I wanted to investigate and though she was tired at the end of the day, she gushed about how much fun she had.

When I unloaded her "finds" from the car she said, "Oh gosh! I bought a lot of stuff and I don't even know why I bought it."

Such are the hazzards of thrift shopping young jedi grandma. You have a long way to go, but I will teach you the ways of the thrift shopper so you can use your powers for good, not evil.

You can see the rest of these wedding images here under "Santhuff/Pollock Wedding".


Anonymous said...

I agree you looked amazing and Jackie-o-ish with a more sincere smile. reason #3 for not dancing as were doing such a good job of entertaining people at the photo booth. It was a joy to watch. esp the one's who don't usually have that op.....junk shopping is the greatest..keep on keepin on spreading the love.

WSMIL said...

Ditto to Anonymous! You looked stunning! And you were laughing to hard at the people in your photo booth to dance much. Can't wait for that post! And your hubby sounds more like his father all the time:) Funny for me, if not for you;)
PS: beautiful couple, look very happy

Ashley said...

The party was so much fun Saturday... Oh, and thanx for letting me stay at your house.

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