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Matt's grandma has officially moved in with us.
She needed a place to live and the girls refuse to stay in seperate rooms anyway, so the math worked out.
She's 77.  And spunky.  And she used to own a restaurant so I'm kissing the idea of ever fitting in a size 6 again goodbye.

Mwah!  Goodbye lingering thoughts of a size six.  It was fun while it lasted.
It's obviously a challenge when someone lives with you for any length of time (it's a miracle that I've tolerated Matt for these 15 years), but I think we can make it work.
If she can make it work.
I can't imagine living with me, not to mention my three kids.  Particularly when you've grown accustomed to living alone for the last several decades.
You may be wondering what grandma living with us means for the blog?
It means lots of new material.

As in, I don't know if I'll be able to keep up with it all, lots.
 Two examples:

She was talking yesterday about how bad off her back was one time when she went to the chiropractor.  She said, "I was so messed up that I had to be almost carried into the office.  My legs were like a bunch of gee-tar strangs (guitar strings)."
 I laughed so hard.

Not pee your pants hard, but close enough.

And right now, as I type this, she's downstairs heating up leftover Cream of Wheat for the stray cats.

If they only knew how fortunate they have just become.  I may have to get them little kitty Spanx so they can fit in their little kitty pants because with grandma in the house they're about to become big kitties.
*Side note--In the above image he is not posed that way. He was scratching his head perhaps...but I was testing my light and I loved the result.  In fact, it's my favorite from the entire session and though I've gotten some good feedback on it already, I wasn't sure what the general consensus would be so I figured I'd buffer it with this explanation.  You're welcome.

I realize this post sounds very optimistic in regards to the fact that someone else is inhabiting my home until the unforseeable future, but I figured I better log the positive feelings now so that in three weeks when I'm ready to send someone for a long walk off a short pier I'll have this to remember the good times by.

I think that was a run-on sentence.

You can see the rest of this session here under "Blake and Chayli".


Mariah said...

Beautiful! I have already told you that I love the last picture, but I shall tell you again...I love the last picture!

WSMIL said...

The last two are INCREDIBLE!!! And just keep reminding yourself it's only til the first of August:)

Bell Lee Button said...

Wow they look so young! I was just waiting for his hand to raise to the sky and say "To infinity and beyond!".....or is that buzz lightyear? O well!

WSMIL said...

Ms. Button you crack me up!

Bell Lee Button said...

Well i'm glad i entertain someone! No one laughs at my corney jokes anymore. Its so depressing.

Ashley said...

Her shoes are so cool. I wish I had some like that...

heather doss said...

I loved all the outfits it made a good contrast they look so cute and happy together great job on the photos Brandi.
-Heather Doss-:)

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