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This is Loren....

She's a senior.
I worked with her mom at McDonald's the year I graduated from high school (yes, I'm old).
We had good times at Mickey D's.

Probably too many good times, since we were being paid to work.

This is Scrappy.
He is so stinkin' cute that he almost made me want to get a dog for my kids.


Then I thought of all the issues that would be involved in raising a dog and thought better of it.
It's a miracle that I've managed to keep three children alive and fed over the last 12 years...a dog might just put me over the edge.

The shots on this orange colored wall are from a little coffee shop in town called "Cowboy Coffee Company".
The owner was outside unloading things from her car while we were shooting.  She told me if I brought the finished product back she would put it on display in the store.

Awesome!  I'm printing this one for her.  I love the softness of it.

I saved the best for last.
Maybe not the best ever, but definitely my favorite so far.

I love the chair...her feet on it...the clouds...the bricks...the power lines...but what makes it even better is that the only reason this shot happened was due to a lack of communication on my part.

I told her to sit down and lean on the chair.  She looked at me funny and as I was turned around adjusting my lights she proceeded to strike this pose.  When I saw her, I laughed and said, "that's not exactly what I had in mind"...and then I saw this image.  I told her not to move a muscle and then fired away.

I'm so glad she didn't understand.

Up next:  More from her session and then the wrap up.


WSMIL said...

Love the orange and the breakfast at aforemenioned Cowboy Coffee, very good Wrangler. And love the story of the last picture! As to the dog I remember Summer telling me we needed one and then volunteering to care for it while we were on vacation. But when I pointed out that meant she couldn't go on vacation suddenly we didn't need a dog:) Logical Child!

Loren's Mom said...

I love them so far Brandi!!! I can't wait to see the rest:-)


Bell Lee Button said...

Those were so good!!!! I love senior pictures. I think those should be your specialty, B. Becuase those will be one of the most important pictures to you as you get older...and well they are special. That's one thing i'm looking forward to in my senior year.

Ashes of Abdication said...

AWW!! i love this pictures!!! I cant wait for b t do mine!!! Just one more year!!!

Anonymous said...

Ashley, your only in tenth grade, right?

Bell Lee Button said...

Ya, ashes you have more than 1 year....haha. silly willy.....btw where have you been?! I can't get ahold of you n e more.

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