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Ham--It's What's For Dinner

Mercede asked me to make curried ham in popovers for supper.

I told her I didn't have any ham.
 Summer than sashayed into the room and realized that I was dressed in something other than sweatpants which alerted her to the fact that I must be leaving the house.

She said, "Where are you going?"

I said, "I have a photoshoot."

She said, "Are you going to their ham?"
I said, "Their ham?", while looking at her perplexedly.

She shrugged her shoulders and said, "What?  I'm hungry!"

And then we giggled.


The power of suggestion.


WSMIL said...

Guess this means G has to make ham and beans tomorrow, thanks wondered what we were going to have! LOVE THE PICS!

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