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I'm struggling with words.

I normally don't have trouble in this department, but these images have been sitting on my computer for 2 days because I couldn't think of words to put with them.

Actually, I could think of words to put with them...just not words that made sense.

I hemmed and hawed around on posting them and then decided that I would just be honest about my lack of ability to be descriptive this time.

I figured you would understand.

If not...

Well, if not...

You're just a stupid dummy head.

See?  No descriptive abilities today.

I'm grasping at straws.  Or grasping for straws.  Maybe just grasping.

Who knows.

The following is what I'm able to produce at this juncture.  I apologize in advance...
This is Gracie.
She's like 15 years old.

And she is a.m.a.z.i.n.g.

She doesn't have a CD or even a website yet.
But when she does you will be on it and you will be buying it.

Trust me.

Here's a clip from the show:
 See?  What did I tell you? 

She rocks.
This is Holly.
She doesn't have a website or CD either.

She normally sings with her twin sister Haley but managed solo on this night.
I was in the back trying to get some different angles during her set, hence the reason I have none of her that are recognizable.

Sorry Holly.
By staying in the background I managed to get some great shots of The Vault's sign.

Thanks, Holly, for understanding.  The sign thanks you for sharing your moment in the spotlight with it.
I blogged about her before.  Here and here.
Her voice is beautiful.
It's not like every other voice you hear.
It's more authentic.

What does that even mean?
I have no idea.

But when I think of authentic, one thing that comes to mind is Zoe's voice.

I told you.

No descriptive abilities today.
I Brandi.

I here to show you pretty pictures.

I not know lot words.
That is seriously the level at which my brain is working today.
Just be glad that I even know my own name at this point.

I think it's the heat.
Yeah.  That's it.  The heat.

She plays the pianoforte.
It's actually just a piano but doesn't pianoforte sound so much more interesting?
That's what they called them in Pride and Prejudice.
You know...before we, as a society, got lazy and started shortening every single word possible.
Now, instead of saying, "I would very much enjoy mastering the art of the pianoforte" we say, "I wanna play the piano".


But true.

That just came out of left field.

She plays the piano.

Not the crazy, lunatic maniacally.
But the excessively enthusiastic maniacally.
It was refreshing.

As was the entire evening at The Vault.

As usual.

And now they have dessert!



Kristi said...

Hey good buddy ol' pal I am looking out for you today. Since you are at a lack for words maybe you could Google it to find some!!

WSMIL said...

I have a lot of words on society and their lack of linguistic skills but we won't go there, thanks for the pics!

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