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My Intelligence

I used to love reading poetry.

 I actually still enjoy it, but seldom take the time to read it despite having a large collection of various works.

 I wasn't good enough at reading poetry that I could just read a work through and instantly understand its depth.
 I still can't.
 I think that's part of the reason that poetry is attractive to me.
 But also part of the reason I don't read it as much anymore.
 I like the rythym, the beat, the flow of pretty words.

I dislike the amount of brain usage involved.

This can be demonstrated by a conversation I remember having with an adult friend when I was about twelve years old.
 It went something like this:

Me:  I love poetry.  I can't get enough.
 Adult Friend:  Oh, me too.  Do you have a favorite author?
 Me (thinking I'm all fancy pants with my knowledge of poetry):  For sure!  There's this guy named Anon.  He's amazing.

Adult Friend: Um. You mean "anonymous"?
*Awkward silence while my brain tries to figure out what this means and why I'm still confused.*
Me:  Uh.  Yeah.  I really like his work.

More awkward silence.

The Adult Friend then changes the subject to something she thinks my pea brain can handle...maybe asking me which is my favorite ice cream flavor. 

A few days later, during a temporary moment of down time my brain finally kicked in.  I threw my head back slightly, opened my mouth, inhaled in recognition and said...

"Oh.  Anonomous!  That makes more sense.  I wondered why I could never find a common thread in his work."

You can see the rest of this session here under "Breezy".


Merna said...

Brilliant! Bree looks gorgeous. I really like the 10th picture. Great job B.

WSMIL said...

These are AMAZING, and not just because her heart is as pretty as her face. You two did an amazing job with these, LOVE THEM!

Bell Lee Button said...

I love these!

Bell Lee Button said...

My favorite is the 3rd from the bottom. Sorry it took me so long to comment I was experiencing technical difficulties! haha

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