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Bobby Pins

I have accomplished something I have been attempting for years.
Something that will blow your mind, if for no other reason than the fact that I can talk about it for one entire blog post.
I can twist my hair up in a bun/twisty thing with one bobby pin.

Did you get that? 

One bobby pin!

What does this mean?

Obviously it means that I can put my hair up with one bobby pin.  Duh.
 But it also means that I could do that thing the secretaries in old movies did when they were flirting with the boss.

You know....
how they would reach back with one hand and the next thing you knew their perfectly coifed locks were strewn about their shoulders in elegant waves?
 This would not be possible if it were my hair in a bun...the old way.

 I wear my hear in a bun a lot when I shoot weddings because I get hot and my hair gets tangled in my camera strap.
 When I get home from said weddings I'm exhausted from lugging around equipment for 6 hours on top of getting home at a very late hour.
 I usually fall into bed as is.
But then I have bobby pins poking me in the back of the head.
 So I lay there in the dark, pulling bobby pins out of my hair one by one, throwing them on the floor.
 Clink, clink, clink.
 Several times Matt has remarked, "How many do you have IN there?".
 I lose track as I drift off to sleep, usually awaking with some still jammed into my skull.
 Yes, I'm dirty when I go to bed and no, I didn't wash my face but you know what?
 Don't judge me.
Having dealt with the aforementioned issue, I often wondered how those girls on the picture shows were able to fling their hair out of their bun in one fell swoop.

And now I know.

And I feel special.

Now if only I had a boss to flirt with.

You can see the rest of this session here under "Mariah".


WSMIL said...

Amazing photos! Love the locations and especially the Red Doors (yes it deserved capitals). Oh to be young and blond again (oh wait I was never really a blond oops;)

Jamie said...

Nice work!!!! Your work proves that "not" just anyone can be a photographer. We are going to have a hard time picking our favorites. They are all GREAT!

Bell Lee Button said...

Gorgeous merna gorgeous! I cant believe we are all graduating so soon! Well you have already but you know what i mean haha. Craziness!!!

Anonymous said...

Pretty girl. Me likey.

LaVena said...

Great bunch of variety. My fav is the rock wall. Good imagination.

Fletch said...

What a beautiful set of pictures. Mar you are beautiful and so grown up. Jamie thank you for sending the pictures.

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