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Do you hear it?

It's music.

If you aren't hearing it, you should.  Music is wonderful.

I took a short break from editing wedding pictures in order to bring a little update to the blog. 

A musical update.

Since I have such an adoration for music, I decided I would start posting some of my favorite songs to share with my fine blog readers.

Some will be songs or artists you already know.  Some will be songs or artists you have never heard of before.  Maybe you will like it.  Maybe you will hate it.  That's up to you.  If you hate it, you don't have to listen to it.  If you love it, all of the information is there for you to purchase the track if you wish or at least jot down the name of the artist for future reference.  That's what I do.  You should see my scribbled mess of notebook paper with songs, artists, phone numbers and grocery lists on it.  If someone that didn't know me caught a glimpse of this plethora of information they might get the idea that I'm some sort of savant.

Until they met me. 

I digress...You can see/hear the songs over in the right column → under "Audible Adventures".  I'll try to update it at least once a week, but I'm not making any promises.

I started out with three of my favorites off the top of my head.  I'll work on being more organized later.


I was hoping you would be able to hear the whole song but it looks as if you can only hear the full soundtrack to the "featured" song.  Pooh.  If you want to hear the whole song before you buy it, you could always do a quick search on YouTube.  That's how I usually find most of my music...that and commercials.

Yes, commercials.

Up next:
More wedding pictures.


senor taco said...

B- I read all that for what? No photos...? Music shmusic, your a photographer, not a band.

B said...

You've obviously never heard me play my glockenspiel.

MJ918 said...

I enjoy music too! I really enjoyed your featured pick!!!

Senor Taco....she is a photographer...but she is also MANY MANY other things! Just because her profession is photography...doesn't mean that it has to define her and keep her in a box!

Lunsford said...

Stop it you are making the other bloggers jealous with your mad skills.
Thanks for the music, just what I need to wake up aftera long week.

WSMIL said...

I don't actually need to hear the music the names of the songs speak VOLUMES to me about you, but then again we already knew that about you thanks to this blog.

MJ918 totally nailed you Taco and was correct our professions don't define us, and I don't believe in being boxed (there isn't any air):). Thanks MJ!

Bell Lee Button said...

Oh yaaaaaaaaaaa! Mr. are busted! Get 'em girls! Haha. Is he the only guy that blogs on here? I think he Guess what taco? Not at school...haha

Anonymous said...

I came I saw and I heard. The vote is now in...I am from another planet. I understood glokenspiel and appreciation for music. I thought I had heard all types of music(diverse in the extreme) but those sounds I have never heard. Huh who'd have thunk?

Mr. Scary said...

Stick to pics... We don't visit your blog to read, just to look at pics.

Anonymous said...

not true..we are here for her take on the whatevers of life and they are enhanced by her creativity and "focus"

WSMIL said...

Mr. Scary you are out of line, we totally come to read, sometimes we prefer reading to pics and sometimes we want it ALL!

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