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One Armed Bandit

What is (or has been) taking place today at the Priester household:
I am cleaning up glitter (as I will be doing for the next three months) from an impromptu session I had with the girls and their friends last night.
The kids are finished (or are finishing) their school for the day at the table while I'm furiously editing away (and blogging).
We effectively cleaned the house this morning in a matter of 30 minutes (minus all of the glitter and a pot soaking in the sink).
The kids hauled in a massive lot of firewood for the wood stove without being nagged.
I was impressed.
I just had a plate full of cheese and an apple for lunch.
This makes maybe the sixth or seventh day in a row that one of my meals has consisted of this very same thing.
I have become inclined to think that I could very well live off of sliced cheddar and Gala apples for the rest of my life.
One child started a fire (in the stove, thankfully) this morning, so the house is nice and toasty.
One child just voluntarily went downstairs to "throw another log on the fire" without being asked.
And one child (who just finished reading a book about a boy that lost his arm) has roped their right arm (presumably the arm that the character in the book lost) to their back for the length of the entire day and I'm told possibly tomorrow too in order to strengthen their left arm in case said child becomes an amputee sometime in the near future.
The child, through the course of the day, has realized how difficult it is to slice a loaf of bread with one arm (which involved them propping the bread up between the flour and sugar canisters and hacking at it with the bread knife), told me that I shouldn't laugh because if I ever lose my arm I will feel bad that I didn't strengthen my other arm first, and then declared that it was "impossible to push a wheelbarrow full of wood" one handed.
I have three concerns:

1.)  I hope this child doesn't end up becoming an amputee with the sole purpose of being able to put into practice the arm strengthening exercise.
2.)  I hope that if my child did happen to lose an arm in a freak accident it would be the right arm so at least the arm strengthening exercise wouldn't be for naught.
and 3.)  I hope the child gives up on the arm strengthening exercise before we leave for the library because I'm not sure I could explain why one of my children has their arm tied behind their back with a green scarf.

Not to mention the fact that people already think home schooled children are weird and we would most definitely not be helping the case.

You can see the rest of this session here under "Huffman Girls".


WSMIL said...

Always fun around your place:) And isn't it a hoot that this is the little girl I showed her previous blog pictures this past weekend! Beautiful little girls, so many great expressions.

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