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That was NOT an Amaryllis...

--My mom, sister and I try to walk on a regular basis for exercise.

My sister is the "motivator" in this project, meaning she's the one who calls or texts me on a daily basis with some variation of "Do you want to walk today?"
 I usually don't "want to walk today" but I do because she's so persistent (read: pain in the butt).

This was her motivational speech for today:

Sister (in a sing-song voice):  Would you like to go on a walk with us?
 Me (monotone voice while editing furiously):  Not really.

Sister:  Come on, fatty.
 Me (in a defiant manner):  Hey!  I was told just yesterday that I look like I've lost weight!

Sister:  You have lost weight, but it wasn't fat, it was muscle.
 Me:  Oh brother.  I've atrophied!
And then I recalled what my arm looked like after it had been in a cast for two months and then the cast came off and my arm was all withered up and sad looking and then I decided that as much as I would love to be able to fit in a size 2...or 4...or 6 I didn't think the best way to achieve that goal would be by wrapping myself in a cast in order to atrophy my entire body because then I would look like a sad little lady with over-sized skin hanging from a bag of bones.
And then I walked.

 She should really take her motivational speeches on the road.

People would pay her to call them names.
  --If you have been getting pop ups on my blog that lead you to "questionable" sites I apologize.

This was not my doing.
 I think I may have fixed the problem but if you happen to see any "naked ladies" that are not of the Amaryllis flower variety then please let me know and I will investigate the issue further.

And don't click the link.
 I blame this on 13-year-old kids with not enough responsibility, too much time on their hands, and a lack of parental supervision.

Because the viruses and spam always come from a punk kid.

In my opinion.
 --I have been editing so much lately that I've exhausted all of my audio sensory entertainment choices.

This American Life?  Check.

The Moth?  Check.

Snap Judgment?  Check.
 YouTube videos of every comedian known to man?  Check.

TED Talks?  Check. 

I confess that I haven't listened to ALL of the TED Talks, but some of them are way too deep for me and it makes my head hurt and it is not a good idea to edit client pictures while experiencing minimized brain function brought on by over-stimulation of the cerebral cortex.

Trust me.
With that in mind, do you have any suggestions for entertaining or educational (for dummies) audio programs that I might not know about?

My brain thanks you in advance.

You can see the rest of this session here under "Sinks Maternity."


WSMIL said...

over-stimulation of the cerebral cortex
Not a line you see everyday:)

Thanks for using real words, instead of punk kid texting or hacking.

LaVena said...

You captured some great chemistry between these two 'soon to be parents'. The pictures seem to tell a love story, story book tale

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