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I Was Homeless...

In sticking with my tradition to blog about school related topics when posting sports pictures, I've decided to share some journal entries from 1992.
I was 15 years old.
The journal entries were required writing for a class so you might get the sense that they're a little forced.
This is verbatim:
Sep. 11 1992

My dad is in the hospital today.  He's getting his toe operated on.  I'm going to be by myself all weekend.  He should be out by Sunday.  There (seriously?) going to use a tow truck to carry him from room to room.  Ha! Ha!
(My apologies to the teacher that had to read this sad attempt at humor.)
Sep. 16 1992

(Keep in mind that 20 years from this date happens to be this year.)

In twenty years I will probably be married to an okay looking guy (check).  He'll probably have a nice income (miss).  I'll probably have a five year old girl (girl, check...age, miss), with another on the way (miss, miss, miss!).  We'll be living in a medium-sized town in Texas (I knew nothing of Texas at this point in my life but I did live there for a few months when Summer was a baby), with _____ ________, my best friend, living a block or two away (obviously my "best friend" wanted to live in Texas and I was going to follow her there).
Sep. 29 1992

It really makes me mad when someone lies to me.  I don't get mad a lot.  I'm usually pretty happy.  But when someone lies to me, or lies about me, I really start burning.  There is no reason for someone to lie.
(Obviously someone lied to me or about me on this day.)
Sep. 30 1992

I finally have a boyfriend!  I've never gone out with anyone in my entire life.  He's a real sweet but shy guy.  Since how I'm shy around him it makes it kinda difficult to communicate but we're getting better.
(Yes, me shy.  Hard to imagine, but true.  This documentation proves it.)
Oct 1 1992

(This entry is definite proof that my lack of ability to understand math goes way back.)
If I had a million dollars here's what my shopping list would look like:

Now, if only I had that kind of money.
(Just imagine what I could do with an actual million!  I also think it's important to point out that I set aside more money for clothes than for the homeless or my family. I guess one has to have priorities.)
Oct. 1  1992

There is one commercial on t.v. that I just cannot stand.  It's that one were Don Brown gets on there and is talking about buying cars.  That man gets on my nerves bad!  He's ugly too.
(Wow.  Poor Don. Though I will have to admit that this is one sentiment I still agree with.)
Oct. 2 1992

Well, Khrysy and Danny are getting married.  They've set the date for March.  Khrysy still wants me in her wedding.  I have to walk down the aisle with my ex-boyfriend (please notice the discrepancy in this statement from the journal entry three days ago stating that I'd never had a boyfriend before...I guess I didn't consider Matt a real boyfriend).
I can tell you that's the only time I'll be walking down the aisle with him!

(Uh.  MAJOR miss!)
Oct. 2 1992

If I could change one thing about the world I would probably change the fact that there are so many homeless people.  There is no reason for there to be homeless people.  There are so many homes out there not being lived in ('s so simple), then there are people living in L.A. living in cardboard boxes (not sure why I singled out L.A. as the homeless mecca).  If people really tried we could all have homes (apparently I considered myself homeless at the time).
Oct. 4 1992

(Nerd alert!)
My hobby is collecting puzzles.  I buy puzzles, put it together, glue it, and then hang it on my wall.  I usually look for odd or different puzzles, but I put together all kinds.
It sounds kind of boring, but it really relaxes you when you're stressed out.

(I think the L.A. homeless situation drove me to my puzzle hobby.)
Oct 5 1992

The worst day of my life would be this...

I wake up with a headache, my hair doesn't fix (the horror!), my makeup is at a friends house, all my jeans are dirty except the green ones (green? I had green jeans?), I spill milk on my black shirt and I don't have time to change, my dog puts a paw print on my jeans (the green ones?), my friend and I get into a fight, and I fall off the bus on the way home.  I'm going to bed!
(Sure.  Sure.  That sounds like a bad day.  But what about the homeless!!??)

You can also view these images here under "High School Volleyball".


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

LOL! It's so great that you have this!

WSMIL said...

I love when you do school pictures!

Kristi said...

I forgot what a mess you were back then!

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