I've had these little lightbulbs on my computer desk for several months. I like them. I wanted to come up with a cool way to shoot them but my brain didn't want to. It revolted. So they've been just sitting there in a glass jar, looking at me...taunting me..."take our picture".
They were being particularly nasty today with their little tungsten filaments shimmering at me just begging to be photographed (look it up, that's what they're called). The sun was coming in my office window just perfectly, so I laid them on the wood table top and started shooting. You do NOT want to see those pictures...blah. So I looked around and found some red paper....um, it's okay. I like red. I think it's pretty. But then my little eye spied my Sony dvd burner in all it's metallic glory. PERFECT! I flipped it on it's side and fired away. Silver+lightbulbs+evening sun=pretty.
They're probably not technically perfect...uh, I shot them using electronics as the background, but that's how I roll.
Ooooooooooh. Ahhhhhhhhhhh.
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