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Impulse Buy

I told Matt I was going to do something crazy today.

And when I said "crazy" it was like this:  ca raaaayyyy when Steven Tyler sang it in "Crazy."
He looked at me with unconvinced eyes and asked me what "crazy" thing I was going to do.

I told him I was going to buy a new lens.

So there.
And I wasn't going to do any research on them or try to find the cheapest store or look for coupons.

I was just going to go to one store, add it to my cart and press "buy now".
Because I'm a professional photographer and I need the proper tools to do my job and I deserve it and we can have it paid off in less than 25 years if we only make the minimum payment and it's pretty and shiny and new and it probably smells good and comes in a fresh box with fancy words on it.
He just looked at me and blinked.

Then he said, "I think you should buy need it."

Then he walked away.
And I snarled up my top lip, threw back my shoulders, rolled up my sleeves and said with tons of conviction, "Yes.  I do.  I'm going to buy one right now."
Then I searched Amazon for the lens I need.

It was a little high.

So I went to HR Photo Video.
And then Dell.

And then Target.

And Best Buy.

And Sears.

And I did some reading on some forums on which is actually the better lens.
And then I compared prices and looked for some coupons.

And compared again.

And read some more.
And then I went back to Amazon.

And my heart started pounding and I broke out in a cold sweat.
Then  I grunted, slammed my fists down on the desk and cried out in a whiny voice, "It's too much money!"

And then I walked away knowing that I was not going to do anything "ca raaaayyyy zeeee" today or the next day.

Or the day after that.

But maybe the next day.
Unless this all counts as crazy, in which case I definitely did something crazy today.
Yay for me.

You can see the rest of this session here under "Kernan Baby".


Derek said...

I enjoyed reading that. :)

Anonymous said...

The baby is soooo cute. I love her expressions. She must have been fun to photograph.

WSMIL said...

Beautiful baby, and I knew from the first line of I wasn't going to...that it wasn't going to happen, but it made me laugh:) Thanks!

LaVena said...

GReeeeeT story, foflol.
I can SEE you and hear your frustration. Never fear. This to will pass.
I regret to tell you that this photo session did not help your argument of 'needing a new lens' This is spectacular work. Great creativity and implementation.( that is a sideways compliment. NOT in any way intended to use in an argument against the new lens.
Hard to pick a favorite, but the first foofoo one is adorable. FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH
love ya

Amy S. said...

I LOVE these pictures! And you NEED it and DESERVE it! PUT IT IN YOUR CART!!!!!

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