link rel="apple-touch-icon" href=""/> 2012 | Priester Photography

Snug As A Bug...


The Most Boring Blog Post Ever...

Inconsequential Memory

Mentality Stability Is So Overrated...

Just A Little...

Mom Jeans

Kangaroo Misunderstanding

Slightly Below Average

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's...

Psh. That's just lint change...


Feeling the Love at the DMV

Dynamite Comes In Small Packages

The Brandi Show

The Lone Yuppie

New Heights/New Lows

Hmmmm. Sigh.

For Human Use Only

One Armed Bandit

Dead Presidents for $200, Alex

Toothpaste and Soap

Cracked Eggs and Pucker Kisses

Negative Negativity

I Was Homeless...

Double Chins and Tennis Balls

Gluteus Maximus Palpitations

My First Chapter

That was NOT an Amaryllis...

Spread the Love...

Murder by Flatware

I Demand Tears...

Just A Flat Globe


Cloudy With A Chance of Gnats


Just Call Me Mrs. Vila...

Pinterest Perils

Cambridge vs. Spell Checker

Extreme Coupons and Tall Tales

Bedroom Shoes Betrayal

Not Profound

More Letters to Inanimate Objects...

Celebrity Sighting

Brandi Priester--Ant-Slayer

Letters To Inanimate Objects

Again with the sister...

Sister Humor


Character Building--Preview

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