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Not Profound

You know how when you're reading a book and you come to a paragraph that makes you think, "Oh my gosh!  That's exactly how I feel only I never knew how to put it into words?"
It happens to me quite frequently.

Apparently I have trouble expressing how I feel.

Books help.
I was captivated by this gem last night while finishing up my current read:
"I can't recall the last time I saw someone enjoying something so much (while watching a young man energetically playing the piano), so openly.  Perhaps it's my age or just the people I hang out with, but almost everyone I know seems to be an aspiring cynic."
"We stand at the edges of our experiences, smoking cigarettes (minus the cigarette smoking) and trying to convince each other that we've seen this, done that and it isn't so hot anyway."
"It's considered uncool to be passionate, if not downright gauche (socially awkward).  And on the occasions when one of us does become excited, it's under duress, both embarrassing and brief."
"It's considered unrealistic; a kind of madness that descends and has to be apologized for the next day.  "Real life" is after all, a serious and rather dull business.  And the more serious and dull, the more "real" it is."
"I don't know how we all collectively came to the conclusion that this is the way adults should behave but as I watch him play (the piano), I feel an aching in my chest:  an intense longing to let go of my eternal pessimism and trade it instead for the easy joy before me."
Can I just say "ditto"?

Or is that not profound enough?

I forgot that this isn't a "profound" blog.
I guess the reason I love that paragraph so much is because I'm oftentimes overly excited about things.
I get all jittery and hyper and loud.
This is usually followed by diarrhea of the mouth. 
I'm sort of like a little puppy that gets so excited to see company that it wets all over the place and then runs off in shame when his master expresses disapproval.
I'm all, "Woohoo!  I'm taking pictures!  This is exciting!  I'm creating art!  This is hard work but I'm lovin' it!"
Then the client leaves and I'm all, "Sigh.  I am so stupid.  Why can't I just be a normal, quiet, "cool" person?"
But the way this book makes it sound I'm the normal one.

Everyone else is just cynical.
So there.

(Blowing a raspberry.)

You can see the rest of this session here under "Presson Family Too".


Anonymous said...

Normal, quite people are definitely not the "cool" ones. ;-)

WSMIL said...

Watching you enjoy yourself is one of my greatest joy's in life. I will always cherish the "The Krispy Kreme" song moment;)

Anonymous said...

Love the first picture! What beautiful eyes.

Anonymous said...

ready for more, need more, please

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