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Extreme Coupons and Tall Tales

--I want to extreme coupon.
But not to such a degree that I have a spare room full of shampoo, lotion and cereal that would last our family of five until the end of eternity.

It's called "balance" (and I'm afraid I don't have it).
--We start school on Monday.
I am determined not to get behind on grading this year.

In the words of Spongebob, "I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready...

--I'm reading a really good book at the moment.

It's a memoir about a girl from east Texas.

Her father is constantly telling tall tales and she relates them from her perspective as a young girl.

(Though it's not all tall tales and happy times since her mother is an alcoholic and "Nervous".)
It almost instantly reminded me of a book that I remember reading over and over as a kid at the library...McBroom Tells The Truth.

It was a book full of tall tales about Mr. McBroom, his wife and 11 kids homesteading on an acre of land.
In fact, I actually remember sitting in the old library in town on the little hard chairs in the kids corner reading this book.
I was probably wearing a pair of bright orange shorts with bright green 80's print on them and an equally offensive bright orange tank top.
My bruised up, scabby, skinny legs were probably bent making my knees almost come up to my ears because I was sitting in the chairs meant for the 5 year old kids and I was 10.
I just liked those chairs better.

And the little table always had puzzles on it.
(Side note:  My legs still look like that except for the skinny part.)
--Would you care to know how much time I spend sitting in front of this computer editing?

I have listened to every episode of This American Life (going back to 1995) that is available online.
I have listened to every episode of The Moth that is available online or on YouTube.

I have listened to every episode of Snap Judgment (since August of 2010) available online (except the creepy sounding ones).
I've listened to countless hours of Pandora, and I'm now alternating between the Stuff You Should Know podcasts and TED Talks depending on my mood.
I'm quickly running out of stimuli.

It's a good thing I have no retaining power in my brain because when I'm finished with these I should be able to start back over and it will seem like all new information.

What was I saying?

You can see the rest of Remi's session here under "Rotten Niece".


Anonymous said...

You did an awesome job on her pictures! I LOVE number six! It is soooooo adorable! And number four! And the last one! Too many cute pictures at once! It is so overwhelming!

WSMIL said...

you never run out of stimuli, even though I'm sometimes amazed where you find it, new places for me to go to:)

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